N.s.w Rules Again


Just a Bowler
Congratulations to N.S.W on their total dominance of the 2005 Rachuig Trophy. It started from day 1 and they never took their foot off the floor.

Well done to all who competed, but its back to the drawing board for 2006.

Just wondering what is the biggest points winning margin in Rachuig history for both Men, Ladies and Combined?

The performance of the Men NSW Rachuig team was absolutely incredible. Just awesome to watch. Special mention to the 1251 Game they bowled earlier today. Was just spectacular to watch.
Congrats also to the Women, an equally impressive performance. Just awesome to watch both teams constantly humiliate the opposition.

Well Done!!

Later Da Cowman!
still got me beat why the "live scores" have to stop at game 15 - those of us not there want to see the last couple of games as they are finished, not on Sunday morning :(
However: congratulations to NSW on an awesome display of team bowling, whether it be home turf advantage or whatever, it was truly deserving of the first place trophy. Further congrats to our friends from NT on their achievements in this years event, and our fellow Sth Qlders.
Broni & Jagga:cool:
relaxing beachside at Hervey Bay
bm2 its just for the simple reason that they dont want to give away the all star teams before the dinner, it keeps everyone in suspense.

That's the only reason
Are you saying they don't know their averages and where they are comimg...
However to keep everyone at home guessing is unfair. I wonder how many hits their site got over the last few days, mabye those people are a little more important. Don't take that the wrong way, the bowlers are what and who made the Rachuig what it was, but we, the masses have to sit at home and guess. I for one am "not happy Jan"


And BTW, yes NSW were never threatened.
Well done Victoria on getting 2nd overall as the men were well down good come back and well done Girl's on solid bowling all week great bowling NSW :(

Id just like to send a big congratulations to the NSW Rachuig teams. They dominated from the word 'Go'...there was no stopping them.
The bowling I was able to watch was awesome...so good to see such fine quality here at home!!

Once again, congratulations guys. Well bowled.

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