Sorry scott can't read the very small print between the lines , mate.

For getting some one to explain it to me , i choose YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

See scott , like the press , facts are less interesting than here say and believe me there's been plenty of here say and since you opened this can of worms maybe you should be the one to close it.

Like i said scott you attacked ALL who made Garden City Lanes what it is and really mate did all these people make the decision to banned you? No, and how many of those people still have jobs now?

Now let me explain something to you. Life is full of decisions. Some are difficult, others are not and whether there right or wrong life goes on. Of course when we don't like the decision we let our frustrations out and tell people of the incredible injustice that has occured.

As for you , you chosed this web site to air your anger but not at the person or persons who wronged you. Instead at everyone whose gives two hoots about the place and the people involved.

That's what ticked me off!!!! Move on scott and i think you owe everyone not involved an apology.

It will be a sad day in ten days when the doors close but life goes on.

To everyone at Garden City Lanes all best with your new ventures and have a Merry Xmas and a wonderful New Year.

tony hamilton

p.s. thanks for the good times
Just to comment on something completely different,Murderdoll,it
was a tragedy that some half crazed lunatic can rob this pitiful
lump of dirt called Earth of a complete enigma as Dimebag Darrel.
For a man to come from a Country background and end up developing
a new style of music,it is nothing short of amazing.This world is a lesser
place because of his demise.It is interesting to find out that he was pretty
good on the skins too,but gave up because he thought his brother was
more gifted.I hope he has found a better place R I P
I would just like to formally apologise to Scott.

I am sorry I labelled you a dickhead, it was out of line and it was not needed to be said.
So there you go, I have apologised. Thats all I can do.
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