
Well unfortunately - NOT REALLY - Garden City Lanes in Toowoomba will be closing on December 23 for good. Naturally as you can imagine I am devastated that my lifetime ban did not last as long as a lifetime, but nothing is forever in life - especially bowling :lol:

Scott Lutvey
Gismo said:
Garden City Lanes in Toowoomba will be closing on December 23 for good.

Why? :shock: Geeez another centre gone. I thought that place was doing alright. :shock:
Yeah thats the donnelleys center... isnt all their stuff going to sunset like the kegel machine? etc...

Garden City Lanes Closure.

Hello All,

I will do a full detailed press release in the days to come and will be happy to put the truth out there so people with severe Attitude problems like Scott Lutvey ( I don't know why i used capitals because you barely rate as a human being), can shut there mouths and realise that this was done with every bodies best interest in mind. No one is losing and by the way KNOB Lutvey if you would like to come down to the centre and talk to me man to man than I am sure I could tell you that i could have your life ban continued in what will be Toowoombas only bowling centre. But that will probably not matter because you are to pee hearted to want to bowl anyway. You might hurt yourself. Boo Hoo.

Many Thanks
Zane Que
Manager and Person who could see how to make bowling go forward in TOOWOOMBA unlike previous participants.
Don't know much about bowling do you Zane. If you did you would know that I have been back testing the back and neck bowling on Wednesday nights. Since everything seems to be going ok I plan to continue at this stage, just so you know.

Feel free to bowl in the scratch singles league starting on the 19th January if you think you're good enough, or should I say man enough LOL. It should be a ripper league and who knows, we mere mortals compared to you, may even be able to achieve an occasional win over the supreme one.

Hey Gismo or should I say Dopey (should know who this is) please do not class yourself as a mere mortal or anything else that resembles humans because I don't think that most people in this world would like to be compared to such a f--- wit or loser, such as yourself.
As to your comments to Zane if you can't say anything good to a person (the reason anyone can say bad things about you is that you are not a person) who has done an enormous amount for bowling in Toowoomba keep your mouth shut, I can easily say that he has done more for bowling in Toowoomba if not QLD than you can ever imagine or ever think of doing.
If you would like to try & talk further to me I am more than happy to come over Wednesday evening at bowling & talk then.

I will look forward to talking with you soon.

Brad Lipp
Scott Lutvey

Pal I don’t know you, or know of you and really don't care to after reading your comments on here. You have made up my own mind that you are a complete inconsiderate moron.

You seem to think that this whole situation revolves around you and the rest of your tight nit little gang up there.

Now as for you comments about Mr. Zane Que my friend, once again you have made a complete cock of yourself there too. Zane is a complete gentleman of the sport, and if he was to retire now, you in 10 lifetimes couldn't achieve what he has in this sport in the time he has been involved. He has done more for ten pin bowling in Toowoomba in the short time he has been there than you and your little gang ever did.

Perhaps if they had of achieved something before they got out this would never have had to happen?

So why don’t you go back under that rock that you came from and piss off!!

Oh and buy the way it's

Jason Pearson

p.s To Zane and Lisa i wish you all the very best in what becomes of all this!!!!

Scott WHO????????????????
Lutvey WHO???????????????????????

Well said Jase and Brad!

I know this is none of my business, but Zane is a friend of mine and a great bloke to boot!
Scott i have never heard of you, yet nearly everyone who bowls tournaments in Australia would have heard of Zane at some stage, so where do you get off dribbling like you do? As far as i am concerned you are a nobody!
Why don't you reply to this post with two lists, one with your achievments on it and one with Zanes, then sign them off with what each of you have done for the sport (Your list will be very small my friend, like something else of yours! Try to put something on your list of achievements besides annoying the sh*t out of people!).

You also say that Zane doesn't know much about bowling. :? If you are so confident that he doesn't know much and isn't a very good bowler, i will be more than happy to put up the money and back Zane to bowl 10 games of skins against you at $100 a game. I am confident Zane and myself will be drinking Daiquries at the end of it! :lol:

Dead set though mate, have a brain please. Don't bag the crap out of someone like Zane on here because you are going to feel very miserable about yourself every time you read this forum! Do yourself a favour and quit whilst you are in front whoever you are! If you have got any balls (of the human kind) go down and see Zane in person and stop making a fool of yourself on here!

:wink: Hey Zane, I could say that you are twice the man that this bloke is but i havn't seen him! :lol: I mean that in the nicest possible way big fella! :lol: :lol: :wink: Had throw that in mate! :wink:

Wow what a response to a complete wanka. Maybe your life time ban will start again sooner than you think after saying the s--t you are saying. As Ronnie said quit while you are ahead & just stop posting on this forum & go back under the pebble that you came from.
Oh & Ronnie with that side bet I will see your bet & up it by $100 per skin
I am sure we will be drinking more than just a Daiquries.
Well it gets me where you guys come up with this stuff. Maybe you should try reading what I type instead of assuming some other stuff, but that may be a stretch for Jase, Brad and Ronnie.

I can't see where in my two posts, I have called someone names. Obviously Brad can't see that. I think it was Zane who called me a KNOB, but that is minor to getting a mate to deliver a threat of violence to me.

As for saying Zane doesn't know much about bowling, I was referring to his comment about me not bowling anymore. Obviously that is too difficult for you guys to read. Maybe you can learn to be able to read. I do seperate it in paragraphs to make it easier for you too, so I can't understand how you guys struggle with it.

As for bagging Zane, I didn't know that saying :

"Feel free to bowl in the scratch singles league starting on the 19th January if you think you're good enough, or should I say man enough LOL. It should be a ripper league and who knows, we mere mortals compared to you, may even be able to achieve an occasional win over the supreme one."

was bagging him.

If it is then I guess no one has a hope in hell of ever beating him in a game of bowling. You guys crack me up. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is there intelligent life on this planet

Honestly fellas, where do you all get off. This gismo character just reeled you blokes in hook, line and sinker. Think about what you are writing, and why you are writing it. Because if you dont you are only playing yourselves off as fools.

Dont be foolish.
I know you well enough to know you are a complete dickhead, and that is disregarding everything you and anybody else has said in this thread.

As for Zane, it was my own family that was involved in the whole thing. Along with Charlie Paterson who I must say is also a dickhead. You two would be great friends Scott. But I myself had no part in this whole escapade. Zane has done nothing to me and has always been helpful and offered me a job at Garden City Lanes. He also has been the one drilling my bowling balls as of late. I thank you for that.

Brad, Jase and Ronnie your thoughts will be greatly appreciated Im sure but were perhaps in a different mindset than that of Scott to start with.
Gismo said:
Well unfortunately - NOT REALLY - Garden City Lanes in Toowoomba will be closing on December 23 for good. Naturally as you can imagine I am devastated that my lifetime ban did not last as long as a lifetime, but nothing is forever in life - especially bowling :lol:


How is this not a personal attack on all who run Garden City Lanes? From the owners, management, staff and anyone one else who donates their time to help run the place. I've been there a few times for tournements, state champs and assoc challange, and every time things have run really well. The center was well presented, food was great and everyone made you feel welcomed.

Next time you think about airing your views , have a really good think about it and leave out the those who are not involved.

Really this is the LOWEST ACT i've seen on this site and personally i think GISMO, you've just started another LIFETIME BAN and it should be FOREVER.

tony hamilton
For goodness sakes! Let all involved GET A LIFE!! Our sport needs support, encouragement and involvement by all who participate and even just come to watch - Tenpin Bowling is a minority sport and things just move on every now and again - get used it it - it is LIFE - so why not ENJOY!!! Watch objectively and see all those, young and old who ENJOY our wonderful sport - if you have views that do not agree with others - make a statement if you wish and then MOVE an 'oldie' now and with a bowling career nearly at the end of it's cycle, I still enjoy the repartee and friendly (not always!) arguments involved with the game...those who can endure adversity are STILL BOWLING - the others are where????????????? 'UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL' - the proof is there for all to views only.....


I was banned from Garden City Lanes so naturally I would not be worried if it shut or not. Not hard to figure that one out. Think it over and work it out or get someone to explain it to you if you have trouble with it. I obviously can't explain it any better than that. :)

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