Mushtare interview with Jim King - Today, 12:16 AM
On June 19th, after four months of deliberation, the USBC announced that they had certified the two 900 series award claims that were shot during unopposed pre-bowling for a youth league by Robert Mushtare of Carthage, NY, making him the youngest 900 shooter to ever be certified as well as the first bowler to shoot multiple 900s. He had previously turned in a 900 series in November, which was declined. He was said to have claimed two others in practice.
After Glenn Allison and 5-6 other bowlers since the 1930s had had 900s declined for various reasons, including illegal lane conditions, I was very surprised that USBC certified Robert’s 900s, considering the circumstances (pre-bowled and unopposed).
I had read and heard hundreds of posts and opinions about his claims on the internet, mostly negative, without hearing anything from him personally. I decided to try and interview Robert myself. Once contacted, he was very open to doing the interview. You can draw your own conclusions.
JK: Robby, how old are you?
RM: Seventeen
JK: Are you a senior in High School?
RM: I’ll graduate this Friday
JK: If I ’m correct, you shot a 900 in November that was turned down by USBC. Is that right?
RM: Yes, November.
JK: Then, you shot another 900 in December and another 900 in February, correct?
RM: Yes.
JK: Robby, could you please explain what the series of circumstances were that led you to have to pre-bowl…which resulted in the 900s in all three cases?
RM: I had school functions for the first two and I was going to the PBA Pro-Am when league was bowling for the 3rd one.
JK: Were those the only times you pre-bowled in that league?
RM: No, there were a few other times, but only some 700s…no award scores.
JK: So, all the other award scores you have shot came during a regularly scheduled league?
RM: Yeah.
JK: Were you bowling alone for all three 900s?
RM: No, only the first and second one. The third one was a doubles league. I was bowling with Jamie Grimm.
JK: How did he bowl?
RM: He had 741 and his first 300.
JK: So, the two of you had four 300s out of six games?
RM: (Pause) Yeah.
JK: What time of day was your pre-bowling? I’ve heard differing stories.
RM: I shot the first two at about noon. The last one was about 6:30 pm.
JK: How did you feel about the first one getting turned down?
RM: I was upset.
JK: Did you understand why the USBC turned it down?
RM: Yeah, but I didn’t do anything wrong. I had paid my dues, but the local association didn’t do their part.
JK: How long did you practice before you started pre-bowling?
RM: Well, the machine was set for 10 minutes, but I never take that long.
JK: So, you bowled until you were warmed up, then turned them on bowl?
RM: Yeah, I just told the desk guy when I was ready to start.
JK: Was there someone in the center each time?
RM: Yeah
JK: Was your father there for any of the 900s?
RM: No
JK: Does he own the center? That’s the story going around.
RM: No, its owned by the government. It’s on an Army base
JK: What kind of ball did you use for all three?
RM: I used a Paradigm for the first and second one. For the last one, I used an X-Factor Ace.
JK: How were they laid out?
RM: To go deep, you know, down the lane.
JK: You’re not sure if they were stacked leverage or 5”x3” or whatever?
RM: I just tell my ball driller what I want it to do and he drills it that way.
JK: How would you describe your style…Cranker? Power Tweener? Stroker?
RM: A power tweener, I guess.
JK: What is your rev rate?
RM: Don’t know
JK: Do you know your axis tilt or axis rotation?
RM: No
JK: I’m sure you are aware of all the skepticism around the country about your scores? How do you feel about that?
RM: Well, people talk and that upsets me. But, I can’t dwell on it. I want to go
further with my bowling, so I can’t dwell on it.
JK: I’ve heard by rumor that on the internet you said that you can tell when a tap is coming and adjust before you throw the shot. Is that true?
RM: I’ve been misunderstood. There has been a lot written.
JK: Okay, what is the story on that?
RM: My dad has worked with me for years on that…being able to adjust. You can tell by the way the pins are falling that you’re getting ready to leave a 10 pin. That’s what I mean. I try to move earlier so I won’t leave any. You can ask anyone. I leave a lot fewer 10 pins than most bowlers.
JK: Do you have plans or ambitions on turning pro?
RM: Yes, in a few years…after college.
JK: Have any colleges expressed interest or offered scholarships?
RM: Saginaw Valley wanted me to come out there, but it’s too far.
JK: What are your goals at Junior Gold this year?
RM: I’d like to make the team of course. But, just finishing plus would be a good goal. It’ll be my first time on a sports pattern.
JK: There will be some college coaches there. Do you hope to impress them?
RM: What do you mean?
JK: Well, obviously, everyone will be watching you. If you happen to impress a college coach enough with your game, you might get offered a scholarship?
RM: Oh, yeah.
JK: If I heard right, you also had two 900s in practice. Is that correct?
RM: Yeah
JK: Were you just practicing and counted 36 in a row or were you keeping score?
RM: The scorers were on for both of them.
JK: So, why do you think you have been able to achieve these feats…three 900s in league and two more 900s in practice…when millions of bowlers before you, including PBA members, haven’t even been able to shoot one 900?
RM: Luck, I guess. I’ve been real lucky. I’ve also spent lots of hours in practice.
JK: When USBC interviewed you, did they ask you to take a polygraph test?
RM: No
JK: Would you be willing to take one?
RM: I don’t really see why. (pause) I don’t think so. (pause) I guess I would if I absolutely had to.
JK: Is there anything you’d like to say that you haven’t been given a chance to say anywhere else?
RM: No, I can’t think of anything.
JK: This is your chance to answer your critics.
RM: Nah.
JK: Is there a question that you wished you’d been asked?
RM: No. The local papers have asked me a lot of questions.
It happened.
Was lifted of allbowling.