More TBAL mumble jumble...please explain!


Bowling Tragic
I seem to have acquired a reputation as a stirrer so here ya go.....

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:08:29 +1100
From: "Cameron Jenkins" <>
Subject: Sanctioned 300

Just a question for the TBA:

I bowled my first 300 at sunshine during league about 3-4 weeks
ago. I have
a TBA membership as I bowl tournaments frequently, but our
league was not
sanctioned with TBA for various reasons.

However, didnt AMF pay a fee per lane to cover the sanction for
while there were a few issues going on? Can someone from TBA
please advise
whether my 300 was sanctioned, or whether I have to do it again
when we
sanction :^)

Message: 2
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 02:53:25 EST
Subject: Re: Sanctioned 300

As far as I am aware, the situation is this. Registered Centres
that have
register with Tenpin Bowling Australia Ltd pay a centre fee, per
bowler, but
this does not automatically make the bowler a member of Tenpin
Australia. What is required is for the bowlers to register
themselves with
the local centre association as members of the Tenpin Bowling

It is up to the Centre and centre association whether they
recoup the cost
for the fee the centres pay. However in regards to your 300
game I believe
and I may be wrong, to receive any tba awards the award must be
achieved in
an accredited league ( Sanctioned Leauge ) and not a non
accredited league.
Please note I may be wrong, but that is how it was explained to
be by my
local association.

But congradulations on rolling the perfect game.

Trevor Dawkins

An earlier quote from the TBAL states...

Registered Bowling Centres with Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited

I would like to thank the following Bowling Centres for their support by accepting the Sports Registration concept and by paying lane fees on behalf of their bowlers during 2001.

All AMF Centres

Can someone from the TBA please rectify this situation and give Cameron his official sanctioned 300 game?
I didn't mean for that to look like an indictment of the TBAL. Just looking for an explanation. After some serious investigating, I now think it's the bowl (AMF Sunshine), which should bear the brunt of the blame.

Actually, I think that the league is at fault here. Each year each league has a re-formation meeting at the start of the new season. This league used to always be an accredited league. However, the league bowlers must have consciously voted, at this meeting, to not accredit and save themselves the $15 or $18 membership fee with CTBAM or MTBA.

I can't see how TBAL can wear the brunt on how the league bowlers vote. This league has been around for some time and they would have been aware on what they voted on.

My latest newsletter to be distributed to all Vic centres covers this issues and explains the Sport Registration Fee process in detail. Particularly, the effect on centres, leagues and most importantly bowlers.

You are correct. Our league did vote not to be sanctioned, because we were not happy with any of the associations in the way they put forth their case to us as to why we should have chosen them over another.

The former TBA representative for Victoria gave us this big spiel about why we should choose TBA (this was in 2000), and we chose to go with it. He took our money, and we never saw him again.

Maybe we can take this offline, but I was hoping maybe one day you could come down to Sunshine and have a chat to our league. All of the people are old, and dont listen to us 22 year olds :^)

Here in Tassie we are having similar problems trying to convince leagues why they should be accredited.

We are in the process of drawing up a similar newsletter ourselves and it would be appreciated if you could email me ( a copy of your newsletter to assist us in doing ours.

many thank.
The way it is today each bowling centre should have either a centre based or an area based Association. At reform meetings it is advisable to have either a Director from the Association or from the centre to inform the bowlers of the benefits of being sanctioned, such as in this case where a 300 was bowled. In every sport there is the need to have a membership fee, bowling is no different and really $10 is not that much. Once the bowlers are members then it is a simple matter of filling out a form to sanction the league and sending it to your Association who will lodge it with TBAL. Why people are kicking up a fuss about this really baffles me. The more members the better the benefits and the better for ALL bowlers.
I may not know too much about all of this but i agree with you sandi.
Have fun all.
Catch ya's
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