Miss Pink



Hey everyone,

I'm Sarah, a 19 year old from Penrith.

I'm a surveyor and l attend Ultimo TAFE.

I first started bowling when l was 12, which was for one league season during the netball off-season, but it became too expensive for my mum so she pulled me out.

My boyfriend and l were looking for some things to do as entertainment, but there weren't any movies on and ice skating was too painful on the ankles, so we tried bowling.

We asked about league and we were interested so we joined up.

Now l have my own bowling ball and shoes (Christmas present) and l play league every Tuesday night at Mt Druitt (the people there rock!)

So if your in the area, drop in on a Tuesday night! I'm there other days too, depends on when l'm in the mood.

If you want to know about my name, l love the colour pink and my pink bowling ball glows :)

Thats pretty much it,
See ya!

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