Michael Castle 300


New Member
I would just like to congratulate Michael Castle on bowling a 300 tonight at Moorabbin.

Well done Darls i knew it was going to happen it was just a matter of when.:p

Congrats Micka on ur well deserved 300 game, Its been a very long time comin n im so glad that u have bowled one. I wish i could have been there 2 see it but oh well theres alwayz the next one i guess.
I noe there will b alot more from u in the future

Well done i noe u have done mum, mum sandi, me, tiff, chris n the rest of ur friends n family proud.
Congrats n well done again babe

Luv Flick

Massive Micka throws 300

just want to congratulate my good mate Michael Castle on bowling his first perfect game on lanes 5/6 at moorabbin bowl monday nite...
he was due after a cuppla 299's and an odd 298

good ball change mate..... :cool:

i think he copied me and got out the b.w. pearl :p
and yep. we got it on crappy phone film.
Re: Massive Micka throws 300

It's about time!
Congratulations on the perfecto. Now that you've cracked the first one there'll be many more to come.

Graeme & Nat
Congrats Micka on ur well deserved 300 game, Its been a very long time comin n im so glad that u have bowled one. I wish i could have been there 2 see it but oh well theres alwayz the next one i guess.
I noe there will b alot more from u in the future

Well done i noe u have done mum, mum sandi, me, tiff, chris n the rest of ur friends n family proud.
Congrats n well done again babe

I often wonder why I spend money sending my kids to school when everyone types/spells like that now.
Hey MIcka

Well done on ur 300 game........Keep it up mate..... i noe there will be more 2 come....

once again congarts on ur 300

love ya

well done mick on ur 300, im sure there are more to come.:)
from beck
congratulations micka! Well done on ur 300 game mate!
And who gives a **** about the spelling. It's still 12 in a row, and that's what the thread's about right?
Re: Massive Micka throws 300

must've been the really short tab on friday night that fired u up. Well done micka :)
Congrats Bro. Been long time coming and well over due. Hope it's first of many. Frank he will get you for that comment hehe.

Congrats once again bro.
congrats again..
i hate my phone for dying on that last shot
our pissy little league is now a part of history (when you bowl many.. many more)
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