Active Member
His hand is messed up atm, not bowling at all. Plus I need to get him to work for me 
Hi Bowlers,
ED Fleming Lanes will be running another 1 Day event on Sunday 4th March.
Start Bowl:9.30am
Games:8 games per bowler
This event is based 56 bowlers.
34 chances to win a prize .........
Each Game payout:
1st - $250.00 Cash
2nd - $100.00 Cash
3rd - $50.00 Cash
After 8 game Top 10 scratch pinfall will receive 1 free entry into 2007 Meblourne Tenpin Cup. (valued at $325.00 each spot)
This is your chance to win your way in Australia's most prestigious Tournament, mix with our current champions like, Belmonte, Brando,Walsh & the best left handers in the country George and Porto.
Book your spot NOW cost is only $150.00 per bowler.