Melbourne Cup


Can you please put Ben Coupland in C squad, thank you!!

Deposit to be sent soon.

Hi Joe,

Adam Lack here, i rang and put my name down and paid the full amount last week. Just wondering if i have got my spot in c squad as my name is not on the list.

Can the organisers of the MTC please note that the following people have entered into C squad.

David Sniedze
Gordon Colmer and
Scott Miles

all from SA. I just want to clarify that as it seems that a lot of bowlers that have already entered have the squad they have entered into next to their name. Whereas us 3 guys dont. Don't want any trouble in relation to what squad we are in when we get there.

Hi Guys,
Have received all your e-mail's and post on this site with regards to your MTC spot. Sorry that I have not replied on this site but I had trouble with my PC and I think it is now fixed of all headaches.
Up dated squad listings can be viewed on this post as well as TBA site.

For everyone's information squad "C" is starting to fill quickly and it will not be long before this squad will be with the "house full" sign attached.

We have just recently mailed out entry forms to every bowling centre in Australia and New Zealand, as well TBA have forwarded e-mails to all Asian countries. So if your centre does not have any entry forms please let me know.

See you all in Melbourne in June.
Squad Updates:

Squad "A"[/B]
1.Tavis Johnson / SA
2.Gavin Cox / Vic
3.AMF Boronia / Vic
4.AMF Dandenong / Vic
5.AMF Chadstone / Vic
6.AMF Northcote /Vic
7.Oz Bowl Altona / Vic

Squad "B"[/B]
1.Nat Shelley / Vic MTC spot Winner Ed Fleming Lanes
2.Alan Notman / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
3.Jenny Camilleri / Vic
4.Gary Crick / Tas
5.Damian Crick / Tas
6.Ashley Riley / Tas
7.Darel George / Tas
8.Hayden Geroge / Tas
9.Vi Huynh / Vic
10.Chris Mesagno / Vic MTC spot Winner Frankston
11.Mac Stewart / Vic
12.Paul Reuse / Vic
13.Anthony Flynn / Vic
14.Brian Pilkington / Qld
15.Kate Wilton / Qld
16.Paul Trotter / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
17.David Porto / Vic
18.Andrew Thorpe / Vic
19.Glen Loader / Vic

Squad "C"[/B]
1.David Davies / NZ
2.Chris Castle / Vic
3.Craig Smith / NSW
4.Dillan DeMather / Vic
5.Cassie Staudinger / Vic
6.David Sniedze / SA
7.Ingrid Coburn / Vic
8.Narelle Baker / Vic MTC spot winner AMF Frankston
9.Matt Riley / NSW
10.Chris baker / NSW
11.Craig Nevatt / NZ
12.Jason Waters / NZ
13.Pete Richardson / NZ
14.George Frilingos / Qld
15.Brandon Qualifschefski / Qld
16.Michael Zentveld / Qld
17.Jarrod lean / NSW
18.Jason Belmonte / NSW
19.Tony Lum / NZ
20.Adam Lack / NZ
21.Jason Walsh / NSW
22.Cameron Walsh / NSW
23.Barry Walsh / NSW
24.Emma Walsh / NSW
25.Ken Mclachlan / NSW
26.Ralph Harford / Vic
27.Ondrea Hedi / Vic
28.Ben Coupland / Qld
29.Brenton Davy / SA
30.Chris Thomas / ACT
31.Gordon Colmer / SA
32.Scott Miles / SA
Squad "A"
1.Tavis Johnson / SA
2.Gavin Cox / Vic
3.AMF Boronia / Vic
4.AMF Dandenong / Vic
5.AMF Chadstone / Vic
6.AMF Northcote /Vic
7.Oz Bowl Altona / Vic

Squad "B"
1.Nat Shelley / Vic MTC spot Winner Ed Fleming Lanes
2.Alan Notman / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
3.Jenny Camilleri / Vic
4.Gary Crick / Tas
5.Damian Crick / Tas
6.Ashley Riley / Tas
7.Darel George / Tas
8.Hayden Geroge / Tas
9.Vi Huynh / Vic
10.Chris Mesagno / Vic MTC spot Winner Frankston
11.Mac Stewart / Vic
12.Paul Reuse / Vic
13.Anthony Flynn / Vic
14.Brian Pilkington / Qld
15.Kate Wilton / Qld
16.Paul Trotter / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
17.David Porto / Vic
18.Andrew Thorpe / Vic
19.Glen Loader / Vic
20.James McGinty / NSW
21.Ross Sanson / NSW
22.Neil Donerly / NSW
23.Chris Slattery

Squad "C"
1.David Davies / NZ
2.Chris Castle / Vic
3.Craig Smith / NSW
4.Dillan DeMather / Vic
5.Cassie Staudinger / Vic
6.David Sniedze / SA
7.Ingrid Coburn / Vic
8.Narelle Baker / Vic MTC spot winner AMF Frankston
9.Matt Riley / NSW
10.Chris baker / NSW
11.Craig Nevatt / NZ
12.Jason Waters / NZ
13.Pete Richardson / NZ
14.George Frilingos / Qld
15.Brandon Qualifschefski / Qld
16.Michael Zentveld / Qld
17.Jarrod lean / NSW
18.Jason Belmonte / NSW
19.Tony Lum / NZ
20.Adam Lack / NZ
21.Jason Walsh / NSW
22.Cameron Walsh / NSW
23.Barry Walsh / NSW
24.Emma Walsh / NSW
25.Ken Mclachlan / NSW
26.Ralph Harford / Vic
27.Ondrea Hedi / Vic
28.Ben Coupland / Qld
29.Brenton Davy / SA
30.Chris Thomas / ACT
31.Gordon Colmer / SA
32.Scott Miles / SA
33.Ian Strahan / Vic
34.Michael Little / NSW
Hello Joe,

Thanks for taking my entry for the Melbourne Cup spot, I thought I had known you long enough, can you please spell my name correctly? Paul Reus!! There is not extra e!!


Sorry Paul, must be the Gremlins in my PC.
Will change on next up date of squads. :confused: :rolleyes:
Squad Updates:

Squad "A"
1.Tavis Johnson / SA
2.Gavin Cox / Vic
3.AMF Boronia / Vic
4.AMF Dandenong / Vic
5.AMF Chadstone / Vic
6.AMF Northcote /Vic
7.Oz Bowl Altona / Vic
8.Lee Hutchison / SA
9.Scott henschke / SA
10.Des Claridge / Vic

Squad "B"
1.Nat Shelley / Vic MTC spot Winner Ed Fleming Lanes
2.Alan Notman / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
3.Jenny Camilleri / Vic
4.Gary Crick / Tas
5.Damian Crick / Tas
6.Ashley Riley / Tas
7.Darel George / Tas
8.Hayden Geroge / Tas
9.Vi Huynh / Vic
10.Chris Mesagno / Vic MTC spot Winner Frankston
11.Mac Stewart / Vic
12.Paul Reus / Vic
13.Anthony Flynn / Vic
14.Brian Pilkington / Qld
15.Kate Wilton / Qld
16.Paul Trotter / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
17.David Porto / Vic
18.Andrew Thorpe / Vic
19.Glen Loader / Vic
20.Graham Simpson / SA
21.Alan Przybysz / SA
22.Matthew O'Brien / Vic
23.Max DeGroot / Vic
24.James McGinty / NSW
25.Ross Sanson / NSW
26.Neil Donerly / NSW
27.Chris Slattery / NSW

Squad "C"
1.David Davies / NZ
2.Chris Castle / Vic
3.Craig Smith / NSW
4.Dillan DeMather / Vic
5.Cassie Staudinger / Vic
6.David Sniedze / SA
7.Ingrid Coburn / Vic
8.Narelle Baker / Vic MTC spot winner AMF Frankston
9.Matt Riley / NSW
10.Chris baker / NSW
11.Craig Nevatt / NZ
12.Jason Waters / NZ
13.Pete Richardson / NZ
14.George Frilingos / Qld
15.Brandon Qualifschefski / Qld
16.Michael Zentveld / Qld
17.Jarrod lean / NSW
18.Jason Belmonte / NSW
19.Tony Lum / NZ
20.Adam Lack / NZ
21.Jason Walsh / NSW
22.Cameron Walsh / NSW
23.Barry Walsh / NSW
24.Emma Walsh / NSW
25.Ken Mclachlan / NSW
26.Ralph Harford / Vic
27.Ondrea Hedi / Vic
28.Ben Coupland / Qld
29.Brenton Davy / SA
30.Chris Thomas / ACT
31.Gordon Colmer / SA
32.Scott Miles / SA
33.Ian Strahan / Vic
34.Michael Little / NSW
35.Allan Smith / NSW
36.Anthony Morrell / Vic
37.Steven Mallina / Vic
Squad Updates:

Squad "A"
1.Tavis Johnson / SA
2.Gavin Cox / Vic
3.AMF Boronia / Vic Won By Shaun Parlby (deciding if he will bowl MTC or not)
4.AMF Dandenong / Vic
5.AMF Chadstone / Vic
6.AMF Northcote /Vic
7.Oz Bowl Altona / Vic
8.Lee Hutchison / SA
9.Scott henschke / SA
10.Des Claridge / Vic

Squad "B"
1.Nat Shelley / Vic MTC spot Winner Ed Fleming Lanes
2.Alan Notman / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
3.Jenny Camilleri / Vic
4.Gary Crick / Tas
5.Damian Crick / Tas
6.Ashley Riley / Tas
7.Darel George / Tas
8.Hayden Geroge / Tas
9.Vi Huynh / Vic
10.Chris Mesagno / Vic MTC spot Winner Frankston
11.Mac Stewart / Vic
12.Paul Reus / Vic
13.Anthony Flynn / Vic
14.Brian Pilkington / Qld
15.Kate Wilton / Qld
16.Paul Trotter / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
17.David Porto / Vic
18.Andrew Thorpe / Vic
19.Glen Loader / Vic
20.Graham Simpson / SA
21.Alan Przybysz / SA
22.Matthew O'Brien / Vic
23.Max DeGroot / Vic
24.James McGinty / NSW
25.Ross Sanson / NSW
26.Neil Donerly / NSW
27.Chris Slattery / NSW
28.Daniel McNairn / Vic
29.Jayson Bundy / Vic
30.Rod Stewart / Vic
31.Ron Voukolos / NT
32.Bruno Maglieri / NT
33.Andrew McArthur / NT

Squad "C"
1.David Davies / NZ
2.Chris Castle / Vic
3.Craig Smith / NSW
4.Dillan DeMather / Vic
5.Cassie Staudinger / Vic
6.David Sniedze / SA
7.Ingrid Coburn / Vic
8.Narelle Baker / Vic MTC spot winner AMF Frankston
9.Matt Riley / NSW
10.Chris baker / NSW
11.Craig Nevatt / NZ
12.Jason Waters / NZ
13.Pete Richardson / NZ
14.George Frilingos / Qld
15.Brandon Qualifschefski / Qld
16.Michael Zentveld / Qld
17.Jarrod lean / NSW
18.Jason Belmonte / NSW
19.Tony Lum / NZ
20.Adam Lack / NZ
21.Jason Walsh / NSW
22.Cameron Walsh / NSW
23.Barry Walsh / NSW
24.Emma Walsh / NSW
25.Ken Mclachlan / NSW
26.Ralph Harford / Vic
27.Ondrea Hedi / Vic
28.Ben Coupland / Qld
29.Brenton Davy / SA
30.Chris Thomas / ACT
31.Gordon Colmer / SA
32.Scott Miles / SA
33.Ian Strahan / Vic
34.Michael Little / NSW
35.Allan Smith / NSW
36.Anthony Morrell / Vic
37.Steven Mallina / Vic
38.Dean McKinnon / Vic
39.Ray Martin / Vic

Just to let all you bowlers know that "C" is nearly full and to make sure that your squad is guaranteed you will need to send a deposit with your entry form. There are a couple of bowlers :mad: who to date have not paid their deposits. And as I have stated previously those that pay a deposit for their nonimated squads will have those squads confirmed Those who don't want to pay a deposit will take the chance and maybe finish up in a different squad as first requested. :confused: So I am hoping that all you bowlers who have not paid a deposit will do so quick smart. I would hate to see you miss out on your preferred squad.
Hi Joe,

Can you add me to "B" Sqaud please. Will give you a deposit next time im in.


Lance Dyer
Thanks Lance and Ben have put both of you into "B" squad.
See you soon.
Squad "A"
1.Tavis Johnson / SA
2.Gavin Cox / Vic
3.John Pires / Vic AMF Boronia Spot
4.AMF Dandenong / Vic
5.AMF Chadstone / Vic
6.AMF Northcote /Vic
7.Oz Bowl Altona / Vic
8.Lee Hutchison / SA
9.Scott henschke / SA
10.Des Claridge / Vic

Squad "B"
1.Nat Shelley / Vic MTC spot Winner Ed Fleming Lanes
2.Alan Notman / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
3.Jenny Camilleri / Vic
4.Gary Crick / Tas
5.Damian Crick / Tas
6.Ashley Riley / Tas
7.Darel George / Tas
8.Hayden Geroge / Tas
9.Vi Huynh / Vic
10.Chris Mesagno / Vic MTC spot Winner Frankston
11.Mac Stewart / Vic
12.Paul Reus / Vic
13.Anthony Flynn / Vic
14.Brian Pilkington / Qld
15.Kate Wilton / Qld
16.Paul Trotter / Vic MTC spot winner Ed Fleming Lanes
17.David Porto / Vic
18.Andrew Thorpe / Vic
19.Glen Loader / Vic
20.Graham Simpson / SA
21.Alan Przybysz / SA
22.Matthew O'Brien / Vic
23.Max DeGroot / Vic
24.James McGinty / NSW
25.Ross Sanson / NSW
26.Neil Donerly / NSW
27.Chris Slattery / NSW
28.Daniel McNairn / Vic
29.Jayson Bundy / Vic
30.Rod Stewart / Vic
31.Ron Voukolos / NT
32.Bruno Maglieri / NT
33.Andrew McArthur / NT
34.Brian Armstrong / NSW
35.Rudi Gross / SA
36.Lance Dyer / Vic
37.Ben Billing / SA

Squad "C"
1.David Davies / NZ
2.Chris Castle / Vic
3.Craig Smith / NSW
4.Dillan DeMather / Vic
5.Cassie Staudinger / Vic
6.David Sniedze / SA
7.Ingrid Coburn / Vic
8.Narelle Baker / Vic MTC spot winner AMF Frankston
9.Matt Riley / NSW
10.Chris baker / NSW
11.Craig Nevatt / NZ
12.Jason Waters / NZ
13.Pete Richardson / NZ
14.George Frilingos / Qld
15.Brandon Qualifschefski / Qld
16.Michael Zentveld / Qld
17.Jarrod lean / NSW
18.Jason Belmonte / NSW
19.Tony Lum / NZ
20.Adam Lack / NZ
21.Jason Walsh / NSW
22.Cameron Walsh / NSW
23.Barry Walsh / NSW
24.Emma Walsh / NSW
25.Ken Mclachlan / NSW
26.Ralph Harford / Vic
27.Ondrea Hedi / Vic
28.Ben Coupland / Qld
29.Brenton Davy / SA
30.Chris Thomas / ACT
31.Gordon Colmer / SA
32.Scott Miles / SA
33.Ian Strahan / Vic
34.Michael Little / NSW
35.Allan Smith / NSW
36.Anthony Morrell / Vic
37.Steven Mallina / Vic
38.Dean McKinnon / Vic
39.Ray Martin / Vic
Boronia win a Spot


Question about the rules about MTC spots offered in Boronia. Shawn Parby won it and decided not to play. Please explain how John Pires ended up with the spot?

Interested in your reply...
Very Simple ..........he bought the spot from Shaun.
Shaun won the spot and had every right to do with it as he saw fit. In this case he sold it to John at a discounted rate.
I don't have a problem with that. I might not agree with it but I have no problem with the way it was handled.
sorry for the trouble leo but it was never my intention to bowl the melb cup as my uni exams are on at the same time but the tournament at boronia offered a good pay out if you won skins and i wasnt going to pass that up.

as joe said i offered the spot at a discounted rate to john as i bowl with him and he wanted to bowl the melb cup. as they say mates rates.

again sorry for the confusion leo

shaun parlby
Congratulations on Matt Obrien winning the MTC spot at Ozbowl / Altona.
Guess it makes Matt the first tournament winner at this new venue. Matt spot is secured for "B" squad.
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