Live Scores East Coast?

Hey Buzz,
Great shooting out there today must of put a big smile on Ray and Garys
face and not such a big smile on all the guys from NSW and QLD, I think this
may just be the start of their worries!!
Good luck to all the Vic bowlers up there in NSW young and old, bring back the GOLD. Wish i was up there with you all, looking forward to seeing more great scores coming from the challenge.
Hey Mark
Well done on the 300 - A great acheivement. Keep them coming and bring the cup home to Victoria.

well done mark on your 300 & 299, great effor.......
you bowled our dream in one day.....
keep up the great bowling for the ECCC, STARTING TUESDAY 26/9......
GOOD LUCK.... Bowl a couple of those games on Tuesday

Lisa & Ann
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