The first Level 1 Coaching course for NSW is now available for interested applicants.
Interested parties will be able to lodge an application to complete the course with the TBA and use the link to start the online part of the course. ( Link to be available in the next few days) Sorry for that delay we are waiting for them to put it up on the web site.
Once the online part of the course is complete you will be sent your DVD to review, study and learn all the drills etc. you will be able to print any of the information you wantto make up a manual that suits your needs.
The face to face day will consist of some training room time and some on lane assessments of your ability to complete all the drills etc
There is a small written multiple choice exam which you must pass....
The cost will be $250 per person
The date set down for the face to face assessment day is
Sunday 21st February 2010 at Fairfield Bowl ( location to be confirmed)
Sorry again for the delay with the link but i thought i would let you all know the dates now to give you time to arrange yourselves if required
Keep you posted when i know more