left or right handed

left or right handed

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am a right handed, leftys get all the advantages of that damn oil, b******s
Re: are you right or left handed please vote

hey i am right handed but i can bowl wit my other hand too
Re: are you right or left handed please vote

tonx said:
right or left?
you meant to right right or wrong...

im from the correct side of the lane :cool: :cool: :cool:

nice....except the bloody righty's are a pack of a$$y people.. One I know who would have to be the A$$iest person I ever seen bowl is the president of the F.T.B.A Geoff Merks. He bowls a helicopter ball and bout 50% of his strikes are Head pin jobs!

So wat Im saying is the 22% from the left are from the correct side of the lane.

tru but his strikes are absolute asssey, I mean u go with any other bowler, take your dad for instance, if he tried it, it would probably 9 times outta 10 come up a split

now explain how one person can get strikes like that and others cant???

It's quite normal for a lightweight helicopter bowled ball to get the sort of (lucky) pin action he gets.

See, I'm not as dumb as you thought I was :D
face it, its assey and you no it

I can simplify how he does it, see his helicopter is quite decieving...it looks like it will hit the head pin full on but at the last minute it offsets to the right handers pocket and lets loose

hence his action

Thats where you're wrong, it doesn't move at the last mintue. It DOES hit the head pin full on, but because of the way a helicopter spins when it hits the head pin the ball can be deflected either way. If you actually watched and listened to where and when the ball hits the pins you will see that the head pin is hit and the ball goes to a side, leaving all the work for the pins to knock themselves out.
touche......I let you have that point

James : 1

Little Stax (a.k.a Amanda) -2
I have been a righty all my life and never planning on changing until i break my arm or it gets taken off which i hope never happens
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