Left Hand Bowlers


New Member
I always thought that George was number the 1 left hand bowler in Australia with Justin Edwards coming up to be one of the best left hand bowlers. I condsider both these left hand bowlers to be Number 1. Looking at Justin's effort in the last two months with bowling two 300. One being in the Redcliff open and one in the new Mt Gravatt singles league. Maybe we should consder having a tornament for left hand bowlers only to see who is in fact number 1 in Australia.

This tornament could be over 4 events with ten games bowled in each event and at different locations in Brisbane.

Not wanting to step on anyones toes but I dont think it far to label someone the number 1 left hand bowler when there are a lot of left hand bowlers out there that have accomplished so much in the last 6 months that have a very consitant shot no matter what conditions they come up against.

This is just my opinion and would love to hear what other people have to say on this matter.

I think that you might find the label "Australia's number 1 left handed bowler" is a slight play on words between a select group of bowlers, and not a slur on George or Justin or anyone else. My hubby's left handed too, and when his game is on, he is no slouch either ;)

I for one can't see any reason to have a lefties only tournament series, because it won't serve any real purpose -

I for one can't see any reason to have a lefties only tournament series, because it won't serve any real purpose -

I dont know about that broni, could prove good entertainment for us righties......imagine the heckling from the spectators.....I can hear it now.....:cool:
There are definately a great deal of talented left handed bowlers out there.

Brad (my husband) is also a left hander and like Jagga has a great game when he's on target. I remeber Mr Que (snr) sitting behind Brad at Milton bowl last year talking to a friend and saying "This young fella here is by far the best left hander I've ever seen, no gadgets or tricks, he just puts the ball out smooth and consistent"

I must say I was very proud standing there and hearing those comments.

I think lefties get a raw deal with all the right handed bowlers saying that lane conditions are easier for them becuase they are in the minority etc etc.

Maybe a left handed tournament would be a good thing as no one would have an advantage as they'd all be bowling on the same side.

Interesting topic Erin, it should be good to hear some other responses and opinions :D
I think we should let the big boys play, it will be great to watch, but there is two conditions that they have this play off, and that's not to see who is the best left handed in QLD, as they are all human and have there bad days like anyone else, but let them have a play off and let us right handers,
A. Pick the centre, and B. we get to lay the condition down for them.

And Erin yes it is a private joke between friends, which you have taken the wrong was or even to heart. We all know it makes Ronnie feel SPECIAL being called Queensland’s number 1 left hander.;)

I mean there are alot of left handers who don't even bowl the big tournaments like George, or Ronnie etc and they can give anyone a run for there money. I think all bowlers have talent no matter what hand they bowl with, how they get it down the lane etc, at the end of the day it's the score that says it all.
No offence intended to Justin, at Mt Gravatt Wed.pm league, justin is averaging 205ish over the last few weeks since he has been there, while George is currently 246 over the first 4 weeks?

Anyway, I thought Ronnie Conquest was Australia's number one lefty?
WHEN? WHERE? Wanna be there even if it is just for the sledging!!!!

The mind boggles - the dream of an 'old' bowler (male) - to be the only rightie in a field of lefties and he very nearly achieved this dream once many years ago in Mackay and you should have heard the comments about 'he is ruining my line etc.etc.' .... just hilarious, ask Sid Ciancio & Co. Memories !!

There is a Group of us here in Queensland that have shirts getting printed right NOW…:D

Run that event it will draw a crowd…:rolleyes:

There will only ever be 1 greatest left hander in Queensland…:D

Shirts will say...”WE ONLY CAME HERE TO SEE TWO FINGERS”…Queensland and Australia’s number 1 left hander...;)
WHEN? WHERE? 'he is ruining my line etc.etc.' .... just hilarious, ask Sid Ciancio & Co.

Line??? Sid doesn't need a line, he misses most of the oil anyway!!! lol ;)

Don't forget the 5 pin per game start for those lefties who use all 3 of the holes drilled in their bowling balls, and better chuck in a few extra pins to counter age discrimination.......:-({|=

I think you are selling Ronnie a bit short. Isn't he the number one left hander of the galaxy. I'm sure he's to big now for just the state and country, though I didn't see how many 300's he shot last night!
We all know it makes Ronnie feel SPECIAL being called Queensland’s number 1 left hander.;)

Let's face it Kel,
Ronnie is sPeCiAl ;)

Bring on the competition \\:D/
We can all go out afterwards :drinking:

With no offence to justin at all he is a good friend of mine but in all seriousness (i think thats a word) you would also have to look at guys like Andrew Lloyd Steve Lovell Sam Remeo Brenton Davy and of corse ronnie conques just to name a few so it would be a long long list of names to consider
I think someone needs a can of wake the **** up to yourself!
Look at the national rankings and you will see who the winner is!

But anyway, the name stands! ;)
Hope it keeps upsetting people.

Put me down for 2 shirts please Jase! :p

Any lefties up for a side bet tomorrow? ;)
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