League Idea ???


Here is an idea for a center out there:

Doubles Scratch
Baker Format
Good Prize fund
6 months duration (12 months is too long!)

I'd be in this - if it existed !!!
Fitzy said:
sorry for the tool question, but, what is baker format?

Basically - Two players play one game and alternate shots - so if you are first and leave the 7-10, then your team mate needs to spare it... If you get a strike, your team mate is up first on the next frame. There are a few more rules, but this is basically it....
sweet! sounds good to me! If a league starts up like this I'd look at it! Just need to find someone as hopeless as I am!
If you paired up with George, you would need to bowl 4 games, alternating the first bowler each game - otherwise you may not get many shots for your $$$$$ !!!!!!!

Ice said:
Also known as 'Scotch doubles'. Always great fun!


Scotch doubles is:

game 1: bowler 1 bowls first ball, bowler 2 bowls second ball if needed. etc....

ie: perfect game is bowler 1 bowling all balls and all balls being strikes

Baker format is:
game 1: bowler 1 bowls first ball, if strike, bowler 2 bowls next ball. If pins left on deck, bowler 2 bowls at spare.

ie: perfect game is bowler 1 bowling 6 deliveries, bowler 2 bowling 6 deliveries.

Hope this helps!
Guess we're backwards here in NQ cos we don't play it like that...we play it like your 'Bakers format'....alternate.
Baker format is better - and as you bowl 4 games between 2 players, the cost can be lower (only 4 games not 8) - or, keep the cost the same and increase the prize fund by a considerable amount !!!!

If I could bowl a 300 with a partner in baker format and only have to drop 6 stikes, I would take that !

League average does not apply for individuals - it is one average for the team, or you play scratch...
Don't worry, Ice - we're not that backward...
Baker format is alternate frames. The TV collegiate finals in the States are Baker format (5 person teams) and they shoot their own spares. Alternate _shots_ is the classic form of Scotch Doubles, but the alternate form where one player takes all of the first shots and the other shoots the spare if required is also called Scotch Doubles by a lot of people. (The ones who don't know what REAL Scotch Doubles is :D ;) ).

There is one more form popular in the Burdekin I believe, where every time you get a double, you have to have a Scotch (and a variation called Wild Turkeys). ;)

Cheers, Robbie.
Now that sounds like my kinda game Robbie...(drinkies) must play that one sometime soon!
We used the Baker format when we played Doubles in our end of season fun league.

It was an eight week season, with 7tap, 8 tap, 9 tap, low score, Doubles and a couple of other events. We drew for partners in the doubles ... with high avg in one hat and low avg in the other. It was great fun.
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