Jason and Androoooo are probably not talking about the same thing, the lanes were changed over to Synthetics about the year 2000, I do remember Jason bowling in the Lake Macquarie Open in I think 1998, the year that I left Bennetts Green, after working their for 10 years, they still had the Original Lanes Built on site by Australians, which in itself is a rare thing, as the Timber in the lanes had to be placed in precisely the right way, with all the pine area needing the Grain to curve towards the Headpin, working there for 10 years I know this was not the reality, but in saying that I spoke to John Greenfield (this is someone I call a friend we actually new each other before we both worked in Bowling Centres) and he told me they didn't have enough Timber to follow that procedure.
Now the MAIN problem at Bennetts was the Spectrum Ball Returns, they could not Handle extra Oil. We lost, over the years I worked there, many a Bowler who Bowled with 16 lb plastics because they got stuck in the return and got damaged, we had to repair them but in doing so they got smaller so this increased the amount of times they got stuck. Now you might say we should have increased the Oil for Major Tournaments but many a Tournament Bowler used Plastics to make Spares, this would have been disastrous during a Tournament because of time constraints.
I tried to have the Ball Returns replaced over the years I was working there but it never happened, even as late as 1998 the year I left I had finally convinced the Powers to Be to put in the Surepicks, that were being replaced at Hornsby Bowl, later that year. After I left a New Supervisor from Brisbane was put in charge and said it was a stupid idea, so he knocked it on the Head. The unfortunate thing was when they were closing the Bowl I was sent over from Mayfield Bowl to have a look at all the House balls and pick out the best to take over to Mayfield, what did I see, many a damaged Ball from the returns and this was the Sad part not 1 Ball over 14 lb, the Heavy Balls had been removed, where?