Lane 1 releases new ball....

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Credability .......... and Really what does these actions say about Lane#1 Products?

Especially when BBA sponsors one of the top 10 male bowlers in this nation to use Lane#1 and they go and switch to another brand.

You know what would of been interesting is if Trots won and what sort of congratulation/advertising statement BBA would of put up.

That's all really.

BBA do a great job with thier bowlers providing them with quality gear from a number of brands. A BBA sponsorship doesn't mean that a bowler has to use Lane #1 gear alone. In fact, given the vast range that Max can provide, I'm supprised more of his bowlers don't use multiple brands.
Credability .......... and Really what does these actions say about Lane#1 Products?
Especially when BBA sponsors one of the top 10 male bowlers in this nation to use Lane#1 and they go and switch to another brand.
You know what would of been interesting is if Trots won and what sort of congratulation/advertising statement BBA would of put up.
That's all really.

Phew......I was worried there for a while, but if all we have to worry about is credability, we are on the right track.

As far as what would have been interesting if Trotts had won and what sort of congratulations/advertising we would have put up - it would have been congratulating the man for his work.

We don't sponsor our TEAM to use a particular product, it is just what we provide them with in the first instance. We sponsor our bowlers as a TEAM, and whilst they may predominantly use a particular brand, why would we force them to use a product which might not suit them in every situation?

It is all about servicing our TEAM, and enabling them to get the best results. If a particular product might not suit them, it is not necessarily saying there is anything wrong with the product, maybe it's the match up of the product to the bowler, but we will do our best to get them the right gear.

I notice you are looking for a sponsor Tony, maybe you could ask George for a Team Columbia sponsorship and see if that can last any longer than a few weeks.

I notice you are looking for a sponsor Tony, maybe you could ask George for a Team Columbia sponsorship and see if that can last any longer than a few weeks.

That response says a lot about the man behind Bowling Balls Australia. The bowlers of this country will draw their own conclusions, but I for one will never purchase any equipment from BBA.

Tuck Out
Phew......I was worried there for a while, but if all we have to worry about is credability, we are on the right track.
As far as what would have been interesting if Trotts had won and what sort of congratulations/advertising we would have put up - it would have been congratulating the man for his work.
We don't sponsor our TEAM to use a particular product, it is just what we provide them with in the first instance. We sponsor our bowlers as a TEAM, and whilst they may predominantly use a particular brand, why would we force them to use a product which might not suit them in every situation?
It is all about servicing our TEAM, and enabling them to get the best results. If a particular product might not suit them, it is not necessarily saying there is anything wrong with the product, maybe it's the match up of the product to the bowler, but we will do our best to get them the right gear.
I notice you are looking for a sponsor Tony, maybe you could ask George for a Team Columbia sponsorship and see if that can last any longer than a few weeks.

That was pretty low, Max.
So Max can sit here and cop it from the worst possible *role model* this sport has ever had, yet he can't dish it back out?
I really hope your new sponsorship works out George. No honestly I do...
Since you pissed off Ebonite, Brunswick, Storm, Visionary, Lane #1 with your dead set poor attitude to others and your beloved Track is no more, you will finally have no-one left to support you if QubicaAMF clue up and realise you certainly aren't going to do them any favours.
Lets see how many more people get sick of your rubbish and leave the sport...
Thanks again buddy...
Hamster, look around mate... I havent exclusively ever used 1 particular brand. Mel W has no pressure to use 1 particular brand. Its not about the Brand, its about supporting the bowler.... Something *Adonis* will never do.
Man this sport has some serious issues if the same person remains NEAR the top.
*end rant*
Off to play more golf I suppose... ciao...
on edit, for goodness sake close this utter rubbish thread before it turns into... ahhh **** it, do what you want...
i think tonx your problem is that george has it all and you dont have what he has.. you know so much about george its like your obbesed with him.. you love to talk about him and tell everyone how bad he is.. it must be your daily thing to look up something new about george and post it on a forum for all to see then hopefully get a bite of george so you can sit at your computer and argue with life you live

george is a good help to people when they ask him for help, he always offer a idea about layouts on balls and so fourth..
So Max can sit here and cop it from the worst possible *role model* this sport has ever had, yet he can't dish it back out?
I really hope your new sponsorship works out George. No honestly I do...
Since you pissed off Ebonite, Brunswick, Storm, Visionary, Lane #1 with your dead set poor attitude to others and your beloved Track is no more, you will finally have no-one left to support you if QubicaAMF clue up and realise you certainly aren't going to do them any favours.
Lets see how many more people get sick of your rubbish and leave the sport...
Thanks again buddy...
Hamster, look around mate... I havent exclusively ever used 1 particular brand. Mel W has no pressure to use 1 particular brand. Its not about the Brand, its about supporting the bowler.... Something *Adonis* will never do.
Man this sport has some serious issues if the same person remains NEAR the top.
*end rant*
Off to play more golf I suppose... ciao...
on edit, for goodness sake close this utter rubbish thread before it turns into... ahhh **** it, do what you want...

ALways with you Tonx, I have noticed you put your two cents in, then always say close this thread or why is it left open. I am sure Max has given a answer to Tony, but like all of us Max or anyone else doesn't have to sit and report to everyone about his BBA team, what agreement he has with them all is none of our business.

Like George aswell, who gives a rats what that guy does, some of you need to take care of your own gardens instead of being so worried about how someone else's lawn is growing.
Just my thoughts.
I notice you are looking for a sponsor Tony, maybe you could ask George for a Team Columbia sponsorship and see if that can last any longer than a few weeks.

hahahah nice, so Bowling Balls Australia show their true colours. Nice going Max, first of all you bag a ball company and a ball that you know nothing about.

Then you have a dig at Tony about not being sponsored, and then have a dig at me for Ebonites buy out of Columbia (which involved me losing my position)....This would also include my friend Belmonte and Brandon who came over to Columbia, only to lose his deal in the buy out.

So what are you trying to say? We were all fools to be sponsored by one of the biggest companies in the business? It really says alot about a person when they make fun of other peoples misfortunes.....

I would like to know whats involved with a BBA sponsorship, how about you tell us Max. Do you give bowlers free shirts and then charge them for every ball and bag they want? Or is everything free? Do other members get more than others? I've noticed recently that some of your staffers have new gear and some haven't seen some in a while, are you playing favorites or just dont have anything to sell them? Is it really a sponsorship if the bowlers pay for everything? Maybe Rebecca Simpson could post on your credible dealings with bowlers.....

I think your 'sponsorship' is a sham along with most of your dealings with bowlers and pro shops.

I still work in the bowling industry and will do so for a while yet, a statement which I don't think you could say because I don't expect to see you last out the year.......

As for Tonx, I'm still laughing about his post, learn how to bowl cartman....
Feel free to start a new thread as this one has gotten personal…Thanks

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