My name is Kathy Johns(nee Blair) & I was a junior bowler at Milton Bowl in the 70's. My brother Chris Blair along with my now husband Rob Johns were part of a team from Milton Bowl who travelled to San Francisco, Los Angeles & Hawaii in 1975. Shirley Ellis & Barbara Richmond took the team of Rob Johns, Chris Blair, Chris Young, Wayne Strelow, Gary & Kevin Smythe. L & L Castle Lanes reciprocated in Aug 1975. They sent out a team of six, Rich VanDielen, Dale Webb, Bill Ansen, Dennis Caulley, John Datone & Ronson Cheong. I bowled in the 700 Masters & was lucky to travel to America in 76, 78 & 81-again with Shirley Ellis & Shirley Smythe. We bowled at L & L Castle lanes, Canoga Park & Japan Bowl & others that I can't remember. We had wonderful memories with Pete Lusich, Edie, Dennis & Del-it was an experience I will treasure forever.