Krystal King Bowls 299!!

congrats on the great game,maybe one day you could show me to carry that well ;).keep it up krys

Well done chicky! That's awesome news!! Hope to hear of a 300 soon! You've got about 4 weeks to do it so that you can tell me bout it when you head down this way to bowl werribee!

Luv Kristi xoxo
Congrats Krystal!!!!! Your an awesome bowler and u desreved it, i know a 300 isnt far away....

once again good on ya

Hey Kingy!!!

Congrats on the game! Well deserved! Now you just gotta keep up that action in all ur tournies and assoc challenge this year!

Catchya round!

well done kystal you derseve it!:) now go get that 300 girl show us youn'ins how do to it
keep up the good bowling
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