Kingaroy Classic Cup 2010 6th Stop WBT

Hi All,

With Only 25 Entries at this stage I have tried to re work a Prize fund that Make it Viable not only for the Center But for the Bowlers who are travelling from Large distance to still attend for Points towards the End Of Year Payout. The numbers do not allow that to Happen. So unfortunately the 6th Round of Wide Bay Circuit will be Cancelled. I will be contacting those bowlers that have put there names down to ensure that they are aware that the tournament will not be going ahead.
I am very disappointed to see this happen. Was really looking forward to bowling Mort. Had the accomodation and everything sorted.

Hopefully Gladstone will still be going ahead and people, lets get behind this tour or else it is going to die.

There is not enough tournament bowling out there right now as it is. Now is the time to support more than ever.
This sux, these were near full last year. Hope this doesnt happen when im ready next yr. I gotta say this but you Qld'ers argue too much, stick to the positive stuff instead of the bull**** and get to work.
Also just wanted to add a thanks Morty for your efforts even though the numbers were just not there. Thanks mate.

And i echo your sentiments Adrian. :)
This is surly a tragedy for bowling in QLD if the Wide Bay Tour fails.
What is required is for the bowlers and not the proprietors to get these events going. These events can only run if the bowlers want to show up and bowl. At sometime bowlers have decided that bowling is more about money instead of being for the love of the game. I do not bowl anymore because of my commitments to my motor racing. (I cannot afford to do both) But to put this into a clear picture, I raced at QLD Raceway last weekend with 160 other people. And we were all competing for the love of it and a $30 trophy. There is no prize money in motor racing, but there was more entries then the biggest bowling tournaments in Australia.

I guess what I am trying to say here is that, the weekends that we go bowling. They need to be more about doing something we love rather than a way to make money.

Shayne Melton

PS. And for the record, I agree with Morty in this decission.
Great post Shayne, hit's the nail firmly in the head. Kinda explains many of the threads on this forum in one (and a half) paragraphs!

Shame I know even less about motor racing than I do about bowling! :'(

Good luck for future events Morty and even though I have not had a chance this year due to family and work commitments, I am (was) hoping to rock up to some more tournys next year.

Fingers crossed another Mr Melton picks up the reigns next year and the bowlers follow! I know it is tough Shayne but you did do a good job of it bud! Good luck with the racing too! ;)


Well said Shayne.

I have bowled in every wide bay this year and have enjoyed it thoroughly. It is for the love of the game that needs to thought of first and foremost. If you genuinely want to improve and enjoy your bowling more, these are the places to get that.

I have had some good results and some not so good this year, but really dont care. I simply turn up because i care about tournament bowling and want to see it grow.

I will put my hand up here and now and offer any assistance i can give to the running of the Wide Bay tour for 2011. Am unsure how i can help but am willing to offer in any way that is needed!
I live in gladstone i have bowled in every wide bay this year and last year i am not a good bowler but i keep coming one day i love just love to make a cut but i still keep coming and have enjoyed it thoroughly. It is for the love of the game most of all it cost me $400 to $500 just to get there but it is just good to bowl i have got to know a lot of people over the years that i have made friends with This is surly a tragedy for bowling in QLD if the Wide Bay Tour fails so i hope to see you all in gladstone it is not that bad here and thank Shayne Melton
for geting this going it all fun
I would strongly suggest Gladstone release an entry form and start nagging bowlers to go. It is only 5 weeks away.

On another note, the Wide Bay Group meets in a couple of months and they seem keen to continue the series next year. The bowlers that have not supported recent events might want to voice their opinions on how to attract them to future events. We also might like to suggest how the series could be improved. The obvious is sponsorship, so Jasonguru, there's your answer.

Personally I think 6 events would be plenty - unfortunately we have 7 venues which have been very welcoming and supportive since I have been on the scene, and I would not like to choose which one was left out.

Anyway, hope to see you all in Gladstone.
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