Kicking Ball Returns

There is no reason to kick a ball return. I have never kicked a ball return and never will. Maybe because i know the cost. How would you like it if some one came into your house and kicked your TV because australia is losing the cricket >>??? There is no reason for it. I think there should be a red card system where if you get a card in an event it carrys over to the next event.It will stop people that have no self control because they are bowling bad from costing other people money. Dont get me wrong i have thought about booting the ball return of the F'en approach but i know that is has cost some one a lot of money. It comes down to self control and respect.

Have a good one from the happychicken
As one of the poor techs who had to clean the scuff marks off and repair the ball returns for 6 years it is not something that i put up with. Depending on the bowler i have given one warning then told them to leave (public). Reported to league president and had them penalised as per league rules (League). And reported to tourniment director for warnings/penalties as per rules (tourniment).
Some centers will put up with it more than others but most techs will be on your back real fast
Who flicks the seat with towels? Waaaay more fun when you flick other bowlers instead :whistling:

Oh, thats what I do at a certain bowler at Randwick when he doesnt shut up.
The Guilty party bowls at Randwick on Monday nights if you want to check it out. :p
flicking a towel against say a chair while making a loud sound does not do any damage to bowl property...

Yes it does, leaves superfine gashes on the seats and causes airborne dust too ;)
I'll show you next time you do it... ooops :p
I have proof! My ears are still ringing :mad:

thats from u piechucking and hitting the pins at 50km/h...\

btw keeping on topic i think most ppl are guilty of kicking things at certain points however while not condoning it from wat iv heard bowling is extremely tame compared to wat it used to be...u cant ride lanes to a certain degree and u cant as long as that invisible line in the sand isnt crossed...sledging is a part of australian sporting culture...bring that kinda thing back...bring back some animation to the sport and i belive these sorts of outbreaks and 'bowling property damage' can be minimised (not erased)
As someone who used to boot the cover off the ball return in their younger days (I've mellowed in my old age, believe it or not), I can say that the reason why the ball return receives such a hard time is because it's the first thing that gets within reach when you've finished your shot. The reason why nobody goes out into the carpark and kicks a car is because by the time you get out there, you've calmed down and don't have the urge anymore.

The punching bag idea could have legs, haha. We all know how frustrating bowling can be, there's nothing wrong with letting off some steam.
Did you hear the one about a group of bowlers that went to kingaroy for Bowling Tourney and a Soccer game broke out!!!!!

I believe the Vistors Won handsomely :p

The problem is it's condoned. When's the last time you seen someone disqualified for it? It just doesn't happen.

It's been going on for ages and it won't change until someone is willing to lay down the law especially in tournaments to all that are involved.

A bit like when a bowlers balls are damaged by bowling centre equipment.
They pay for it. Yeah right.

Believe it or not Rob, there are some centres that do replace damaged equipment, especially if it is relatively new and in decent condition.

Back on topic, ball return abuse has been allowed to continue unchallenged for far too long. The only way to stop it, in my opinion, is to present the offending bowler with a bill forthe repair/replacement if required of the damaged part/s with the threat of legal action in Small Claims Court if paymment was not forthcoming in the allotted time frame. Think you would find that the incidences of ball return abuse would drop off very quickly.

Saw one at the Gold Coast Sports Series Final. I thought the owner was going to chuck the bowler in question out of the centre, but did not. The unit was damaged and needs repair. I think if it had been my centre, the result would have been somewhat different. That opinion was shared by most of the people who saw the incident.

I am an emotional player, very temperamental, but I have never damaged a centres equipment (except for falling through the wall at Barossa next to lane 12........:surrender::surrender:) and if I owned a centre, I would be most aggrieved if someone did not have the courtesy to treat my equipment with at least a modicum of respect.
i'll be honest like jason said at the start of the topic i know from time to time ive been guilty of the occasional tap.

But u see in tournaments the same people doing it, does anyone even remember when a a red card was given.

It would only take one red card to be given out and it would almost stop straight away.

Showing emotioning is great and theres not enough of it imo but keepin ball returns and loud swearing should never be allowed.
Kicking the ball return, sticking a finger up at the pins and muttering abuse seem to becoming more common.
I don't let any of this go on Television, no way, it gets edited out.
The sound of a hit ball return is different to any other sound in a bowling centre. The staff know straight away. If it was my centre I would issue a first and final warning. Do it again and there's the door. Plus pay for damages of course as bowling centres don't have an endless pit of money.
I learned my lesson the hard way in belting ball returns, I used to have the odd swipe at the dodgy old Sure Pik's Moonah had.
When the place got a refit in 2004 they installed much more sturdy ball returns that there's no point hitting - IE: Makes no sound and will probably hurt you before you damage it.
Had a really angry night one night about 12 months ago and bowled poorly, and in annoyance at myself I lashed out with a very big hit with my left hand on this ball return and put one of my knuckles into the palm of my hand.
It was somewhat painful. I never did it again. Lesson learned.
I think they have it pretty well worked out in the States and Europe. Kick away at the seats and ball returns, let off some steam..perhaps look like an idiot. But break anything, pay for it.

I saw one guy put his fist through the plastic return hood at the high roller a few years ago. The owner came down and was cool about it...then gave him the bill for $800. Told him to pay tonight or the police will be here. He got his mates to help him to cover the bill. No one thought it was over the top, the break it pay for it rule has been known for many years.

I think George said it, at the briefing, or check in, it should be noted that all damage caused will be paid for. Won't take long before its the norm here.

The ball return hood, or cover is about 1000 bucks....and to be honest they are not that strong these days. I know we can get worked up over that solid 9 that costs the win or whatever, and that ball return is the first thing that you see when you turn around, that one good kick worth a grand??
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