Juniour Sydney Cup.....



Well well well people

How are you all????

It was a big day of bowling with 110 juniors rolling off. Very nice scoring by most and a very good condition i felt so far, I think Shane Mahoni must get a special mention for the wonderful bowling he produced on day of qualifying (245 ave)

I made a bet with a mate that the cut would be 3400 or 200+ and it looks as if that prediction will be quite accurate.

I was pleased with my bowling but not happy, i blew two games (122 in the 3rd and 162 in the eighth)and blew my hope of a 200 ave, and now sit 45th, which is fair, i was hoping for top 30 so i'll have to pick up tomorrow afternoon.

Anyway goodluck to all tomorrow and i hope you all watch the live scores if you are not bowling.

James Sitters (junior bowler)
All i have to say that this is not bowling , the scores are a laugh this what we are trying to stop in our sport .
Scotti point taken but do u want a shot like the nationals were the cut was 600 even or less if they didnt alter the condition

James Sitters
I can't answer for Scott..but I have a feeling his answer will be yes. I know mine is!

Stop feeding the egos and we might actually win an international competition.
As Wayne guessed it my answer is yes i would prefer if the condition was like nationals , cause all this will do is build egos and acually think that they can bowl these sorts of averages . At least with a harder condition you will have to hit a target not just throw right , this is not bowling and im sure many more will agree .
I have to agree the scores are rediculiously high but have a look at who is at the top. No matter the condition i think the same bowlers would fill the top spots. Does it matter if the top 16 ave 230 or 200 they are still the top 16 because they are the best. Although i think that a fair condition should be put down not a carry feast. Thats my opinion if you dont like it to bad
i would just like to put this in i know it was awhile ago but i actually bowled sydney cup and on the first day i couldn't come n e where near the pocket if my life depended on it and i had to work my arse off on the second day to make the cut
and then on the final day i yet again couldn't do anything knowing me it was my fault but i was moving left and right hitting different targets and so on and so fourth so it wasn't just chucking the ball down and some 1 has said probally for some it was but for others like myself we actually had to work for our scores thank you
Shelby, no offence but you should have a coach with you because on a condition like that, it's not that hard to work out. He's what I do when I walk into a bowl I haven't been before or even a bowl I haven't been to in a while.

1. Check the league standings - See who is the best bowler in the centre and see how they are averaging. How do they bowl? Ask the front counter.

2. Chat to the staff - ask how the scores have been lately.

3. Check the lane records - you'll soon know if the lanes are easy or not. Look to see how the pins are falling.

4. Watch locals bowl or even watch some decent bowlers bowl. See where they are bowling, what they are using and how they are getting their ball to the pocket.

5. Have a practise and write down everything!!! Where you stand, what adjustments you make and what equipment you are using.

I'm not critising you, I'm just trying to help you for next time.

i actually had two coahes (i think)
with me one was my dad and i think christian was there cant really remember
but yeah i did have sumone there
and i do bowl at bankstown alot as well
dont bowl legeaue there
but i had been goin there alot
anyways knowing me it was myself!!
lol catch ya!
Yo James, bet you,re sorry you bothered, and as usual Clotti/Blotti/Scotti or whatever it calls itself fills everybody with enthusiasm,
"this is a joke,this is what we are trying to stop etc ", dont know where she gets the "we" from, coz she/he certainately isnt speaking for me.
Blotti, how did you go last time out, Fairlanes I believe,Im reliably informed you were murdered three games scratch and handicap by an eleven year old,and a ball return you kept kicking and calling strange names, but were not trying to stamp this out coz we dont think this is a joke do we,or dont we???????? Grow up and pull your head in the young kid is only trying to create interest, didnt you start out as a beginner once, or have you always been a leg-end.

Chin up. xxxxxxxxxx
Hey Plantpot this is a forum and everyone is entitled to voice their opinions and if that is scotts opinion then he has the right to voice it correct me if im wrong but i dont think this forum was put here to use as a directive of derogatory comments thats just my opinion and if you want to have a go at me go ahead if you have a problem with scott take it up with him in person and dont do it through here because honestly we do not want to read it and im sure scott would much prefer if whatever you have to say you said it to his face thanks for your time

And where is the door to your little world Miss Kitty,Mr Blotti obviously thinks the bowling world revolves and lives on his every world, look back at his posts the guy criticises everything anybody says, and as you well know, when the truth gets close,what is critical about what I said ? The forum is about opinion, critiscism and not the great backslapping ****fest its turning into,"oh I think hes great or shes great,hes got a fubu shirt so hes a good bowler, and shes my friend so shes a good bowler too ", stick to watch with mother.
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