LOL Brett you crack me up!!!
and well.. i know i'm mentioning president's shield, that (like you said)might not have anything to do with this, but you were doing exactly the same thing!!
eg. "I'm gonna top qualify" hehehe
so much for making the first cut.......
Brett, hopefully you do make allstars, but PLEASE do me a favour, keep a level head! Last time your head was the size of Chris', I had to find someone else to be my dinner dance date!! (and by the way.. Jerome would have beat you hands down anyway!!

I won't make any predictions, there's always a team up there that no one would have expected (makes me wonder where our girls team would have been predicted to have placed in 2001). But one thing is for sure- it'll make for another good weekend!!
Take it easy
p.s. Sorry Chris, i promise, i'm only doing it coz everyone else is! lol