:lol: Hey there to everyone,
For those that have not heard as of today I start my countdown... I am leaving in 20 days to go and fullfill some of my dreams.... So No EAST COAST for me :cry: But to everyone who is trying out and everyone who makes it GOODLUCK and keep all those CUPS IN VIC where they belong...
:wink: :lol: :wink:
For everyone who has made another VIC Team goodluck and I will be chearing for you from the States I am sure.
To those of you who are close to me this ones for you.......
You’re all so close to me
Yet you all live so far apart
Now the time has come
For me to go and depart
You’ve all given me your best wishes
And it’s a sad yet happy time
This is the beginning of my journey
So let’s hope I come back with a dime
Through the departure gates
I guess I will walk
But that shouldn’t stop any of us
From our long midnight talks
I am going overseas
To fulfill all those dreams
I wish I could take you all with me
But it is just to hard it seems
I am going to have lots of fun
You can bet that this is true
I will miss all my friends and family
That’s what’s making me feel blue
I will talk about you all
To my kids I am sure
Talk a lot so much so
That the kids will wana hear more
Those priceless memories
That I will take with me
And the new ones I can tell you about
Upon my return I guess it will be
Thanks for everything
You’ve all helped me to go on
You’ve helped me accomplished so much
But now it’s time for more sun 8)
So see you all in six months
And hope to hear from you soon
And to Chris (MY BRO) and all his friends
Please don’t trash my room!
P.S. You can all e-mail me at jenn_benson19@hotmail.com
For those that have not heard as of today I start my countdown... I am leaving in 20 days to go and fullfill some of my dreams.... So No EAST COAST for me :cry: But to everyone who is trying out and everyone who makes it GOODLUCK and keep all those CUPS IN VIC where they belong...
:wink: :lol: :wink:
For everyone who has made another VIC Team goodluck and I will be chearing for you from the States I am sure.
To those of you who are close to me this ones for you.......
You’re all so close to me
Yet you all live so far apart
Now the time has come
For me to go and depart
You’ve all given me your best wishes
And it’s a sad yet happy time
This is the beginning of my journey
So let’s hope I come back with a dime
Through the departure gates
I guess I will walk
But that shouldn’t stop any of us
From our long midnight talks
I am going overseas
To fulfill all those dreams
I wish I could take you all with me
But it is just to hard it seems
I am going to have lots of fun
You can bet that this is true
I will miss all my friends and family
That’s what’s making me feel blue
I will talk about you all
To my kids I am sure
Talk a lot so much so
That the kids will wana hear more
Those priceless memories
That I will take with me
And the new ones I can tell you about
Upon my return I guess it will be
Thanks for everything
You’ve all helped me to go on
You’ve helped me accomplished so much
But now it’s time for more sun 8)
So see you all in six months
And hope to hear from you soon
And to Chris (MY BRO) and all his friends
Please don’t trash my room!
P.S. You can all e-mail me at jenn_benson19@hotmail.com