I've had enough......


Benny Boy Rankin

Bowlers...(particularly those ones from my home centre....)

as you MAY have noticed, there has been quite alot of ....well for a better word...."S H I T" going on about me lately. Im not sure of what the cause of all this is, ESPECIALLY that website that 'mister_mister' spent so much time on making.

But to MOST of the guys down at Shell' i would like to offer my sincere gratitude and thanx towards evrything that has been going on in the past few months.

(this next statement excludes ALL bowlers that have stood by me while all this has happend)

I think it is the upmost childish and immature thing i have seen in my life. You are SUPPOSED to be sportsman, and if you have the nerve to put some1 down to such a level, then NOT ADMIT WHO YOU ARE...you don't belong in the sport of bowling.

I have only recently come into this sport, and already have been put down SO MANY TIMES by other bowlers. I've been told by various ppl..."they're Jelous of how far you have come so quickly"....now that DOESN"T get to my head at all!! It simlply shows me that i had luck on my side when it came to chosing a sport to pursue.

I've also heard by different people, that at the 2002 ACT Championships, while i was facing 'Glen Loader' in one of the last few matches, quite a number of ppl from my shellharbour home centre was hoping Glen won because "i didn't deserve to get further than what i did, and i didn't even deserve to get that far". HOW IS THAT FAIR?? And i wasn't told that i was carrying the whole team on my shoulders, i was told that i performed to my ability and that i did as good as any other bowler on the day.

So before i stop, i would like to offer my gratitude towards EVRYONE that has been standing by me and being 'Tru Frends' thru this time...

I'll end by saying this

"It takes a big man to fight"
"It takes a bigger man to walk away..."
Well said rednut it seems there have been a lot of crap said about alot of people and its not on and as for those who use false names or other peoples names to cause trouble I think you are really low. Why use someone elses name and get them into trouble and for those of you who are using false names and saying things about people you are gutless!!!
Ill put my 2 cents in here. Rednut matie thats how bowling goes. I think you get called the underdog no one expects you to win. I remember seeing you say you have only been bowling for something like over a year. well now that your starting to get into the competitive world thats the way it is. get over yourself get used to it. face it bowling is a bitchy sport. many of times i have seen 2 bowlers bowling in a masters and i have thought the same thing ppl at shell thought about you its just the way it goes. take it on the chin and make your self stronger and prove these ppl wrong or get out of the sport if you cant hacket.
To cheesecake- i have been bowling for something like 12 years and my brothers have been going even longer and so has my dad and idont think i have EVER seen such crap like what has been put on to ben. and as i said in that other post which i think has been deleted now
i will be sticking up for ben the whole way mate you can count on that.
And to BEn- I think that in that masters even though i wans't there it didn't matter who won because you can be just as good a bowler as glen. sure glen is a kick arse bowler but so are you dude and im sorry that some dick has decided to single you out.But i am behinde you and i know most people will be ok
cheers luv always shellby

hey rednut, i totally agree with you dude, i want to say well done if you have got as far as you have so soon, not everyone can improve so quickly and yes they are all jealous of how good you have got so quickly. i have seen and heard of oher cases liek this, all i can say is screw the rest of them and let them deal with it, and i will say this about your game with glen loader the game shouldnt have gone to the person who deserved it the most but the one who bowled better on the day! dont worry about them mate keep at the sport dont let people like that turn you away from what you want to achieve. good luck mate i hope everything sorts itself out
i totally agree with cheesecake, bowling is a extremely BITCHY sport. ppl will do anytin and everytin 2 put u of and make u feel down. taking it in and actually listining 2 it isnt the smartest thing 2 do. hear it and then make it yr goal 2 overcome it. dont take it in and worry about it. plz listen 2 this as it iz totally true. ask any1 who has been involved in bowling for a while. anywayz im outa here. cyas at melb.
My name is Robert (Bobby) Pearson, I live in Wollongong and I am what you would call a Scout of bowling, I dont bowl myself, and I'm not associated with the sport in anyway but I go around to centre's watching people bowl leagues, Competitions, & Tournaments from Sydney to Canberra. I mainly watch Juniors coz I love seeing the up&coming talent but do travell to some of the adult Competitions from time to time. I mainly keep to myself when im at the alleys, but do approach people when I'm trying to gather information (such as the stuff on Ben) most of the juniors down south have prolly talked to me without even knowing about it. The reason why I started that site is because I sat there one day at shellharbour listening to some of the juniors talking about ben and why they hated him, and believe me it wasnt because of jealousy, that site I made wasnt fully truthful, but I was just trying to get my point across.

Sorry for the **** I have caused but I was only trying to get to the bottom of it.

Work out who I'am and talk to me if you's really want to. I'm 23, 5'8, Black Hair, Brown eyes, and a slimish sorta build.
Cheers Bobby.
Well said ben,its a credit to u how far u have gotten in so little time in bowling,Keep up the good work!
To mister-mister

If you admit to deception and lies on a web site about another person/bowler then isn't this - vilification and punishable by the terms of the Police and Court System.

Get a dictionary and check - vilification and remember, every student at school understands the term.

Why would anyone want to talk to you again.

Why are you lurking in the Bowling Centres?

Just my 2 bobs worth.
hey this is marsh
mister-mister: how would you like it if you were a new bowler and every one was teasin you sayin "****" about huh i bet ya you wouldnt like it.
rednut:dont listen to there poo just ignor them.
and if they bring up the comp say to them you werent in the final were you.it will shut em up
well ill seeyas l8r
and remember rednut dont take there "****" and just say "****" back to them like anything that will pissss them off

well I am not from your area, but from reading the posts it seems a bit of **** has gone down.

I have been in a position like that before rednut and I say congratulations to you for making it so far. Sure a masters tournament has there favourites to win, but it is whoever is the best on the day. If you made it to the final then you were worthy of being there.

Keep up the great work and I am sure you will leave other bowlers in your wake!!
hey hey.

well like i said beno, looks like ya got the whole bowl on ya side haha

and yeh like every1 b4 me has said, bowlin is the MOST bitchiest sport there is... there should b a warning on the front door when a tournament is on..

and it seems 2 b most concentrated on people that do well out of the blue.. after nationals all i heard was how much i fluked it and how much i didnt deserve 2 win, but F*** it, so wot if it was my lucky day. screw all the people that were saying that crap... oh yeh and sorry 4 the speech after the masters but i couldnt just not say anything!!
as for the remarks we heard about me and james t. at maitland champs... LOL laugh it up u yuppies! us "country hicks" did pretty well for "no competition" and "not being a threat to us" at state didnt we?

but anyway... ben man forget all this crap, move on and be stronger for it *stands all proud and wisdomous*

u will soon enough find out who your real friends are and then u can leave the rest of the clowns for dead.

mister mister, u call yourself a 'scout'... tell us.. who do u "scout" for? sounds freaky 2 me.. and wot ben told me is even freakier!!! oh and um.. announcing your name on this forum wasnt the smartest thing you've eva done either cos now your name (*ahem* presuming it REALLY is robert pearson) is ruined and everyone at the bowl at state that knew about it, was looking for you (well.. almost every1).. can u imagine nationals??

anyway now I am really done with all this... theres my 100$ worth.

later dewds and dewdets

After bowling with the Act & SOuthern team 4 8yrs I know tha some of the people were bitchy!
Although I moved away a while ago & dont really know the current team!

I saw you bowling at states on the weekend & you are a very talented bowler! Dont worry about what they say!!

Congratulations on your bowling so far!
Hey Ben, I know I haven't spoken to you much of late, you never seem to be around much, but I agree with MYSTERY GAL, ignore them. You're big enough and ugly enough to deal with it! hehehe
ahh ok i guess i'll take that as a compliment kelly?

Yea....ahh thanx mystery gal

But you gota tell me who u r....
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