I would like to take this opportunity to say that some one out there in the bowling community either doesn't like me very much or needs to get a life.
This is in regard to a post on this site a little while by an as yet unknown individual ago regarding bowling alleys UNDER MY USER NAME!!! in this post he she stated that craigie bowl was the worst bowling alley in WA which is not true and that the lanes were 400% different every day (or something like that).
On the contrary Craigie bowl has done a lot for me and my game over the years and the lane conditions have been constantly improving I did NOT write that posting and would like the person who did to come forward and tell me why and how they managed to do it!! (no one knows my password!!
also i would like to apologise to anyone who was in anyway disheartened, hurt or embarressed by the posting in question
and request that the posting be removed from this site
matt kilgren
This is in regard to a post on this site a little while by an as yet unknown individual ago regarding bowling alleys UNDER MY USER NAME!!! in this post he she stated that craigie bowl was the worst bowling alley in WA which is not true and that the lanes were 400% different every day (or something like that).
On the contrary Craigie bowl has done a lot for me and my game over the years and the lane conditions have been constantly improving I did NOT write that posting and would like the person who did to come forward and tell me why and how they managed to do it!! (no one knows my password!!

also i would like to apologise to anyone who was in anyway disheartened, hurt or embarressed by the posting in question
and request that the posting be removed from this site

matt kilgren