like Robert Chinner are amazed at the number of NON Senior bowlers that want to make comment on this posting. At the Australian Open there wereover 40 bowlers that were 60 and over. Any bowler who is not at least 50 should not comment on what seniors need. When you reach 60+ and have arthritis in both hands, two crook shoulders, two knees that are shot and a back that is buggered then come and tell us what conditions you would like to bowl on. 98% of Seniors use these events as a chance to catch up with "old" friends, remember the good old days and share a few drinks. The easier the conditions the better at our age. Those seniors wanting to get OS conditions go and bowl in the Adult division "good luck".
Hey Steve, did you forget to take your pills. What planet are you on old boy !! Who travels 100's miles and outlays a fortune to travel across the country to catchup with old friends?? No one that bowls the Seniors Circuit thats for sure.
Its interesting reading posts from the younger bowlers, hey, they will be joining us soon, and they know their stuff, so be polite !!!!!!! ha ha
The last 2 senior tournaments were hard, for sure. But, the purpose was to lay a hard condition for those that wanted to be selected in the Worlds. You just cant give them an easy path to selection, it needs to be tough. BUT, this made is very unpopular for the other bowlers. 111 bowers in AO, and every one knew what the condition was to be, so just suck it up, the decision has been made - get Canberra over, select our top 8 bowlers, and look forward to Adelaide, Perth and Sydney tournaments and better lane conditions.

good luck to those hoping for selection,
ps: cant teach an old dog tricks, but, I am trying,,,,,, to bowl on a 3:1 pattern