Is Forrest Hill favouring the home team

:evil: as the guy who sets the condition i can tell you that the
only people who practised on the pattern were the
seniors as the bowled first. The kegel was at sunshine
up until the day the nats started so nobody could
possibly be advantaged.

there is a pattern i have oiled the lanes for all of the
events mentioned and eastcoast
some people will draw a conculsion from that alone
but bear in mind that i lived in south queensland
for a large portion of my life
if the vics havn't practised on the pattern then there
can be no advantage other than the home state thing
de veer & restricted cup

In light of the sickness that swept de veer this year, myself included, would 'murderdoll' like to retract his earlier statement.
i had to let my restricted cup qualifying position go to a reserve bowler as i was in the emergency department with IV fluids for a over 6 hours. poisoning, even when joking, is not funny.
renta said:
YES all the VIC bowlers got together with the managment & decided to set the lanes to all vic teams .......DA!
managment lol like they know anything about lanes
i agree pulse the management at forest hill wouldn't know a decent lane condition if they tripped over it. But once again go vics
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