Introduction from Alex Popov - TBA CEO


Alex Popov

Dear Graham

This posting will act as my official introduction to the TotalBowling faithful.

Communication is the key to our success as a National Sporting Organisation and as CEO of Tenpin Bowling Australia I will ensure an open channel of communication is maintained between TBA and the general bowling community. If any bowling questions cannot be answered by sourcing information from the official TBA website then I will make every effort to afford answers to bowler's questions personally.

I welcome direct contact from bowlers either by email or telephone via the contact details listed at the end of this correspondence.

Graham, thanks once again for meeting with me and giving me the opportunity to hook up with your loyal supporters via the TotalBowling website. I look forward to speaking with you and the general bowling community now and in the future.

Yours faithfully

Chief Executive Officer
Tenpin Bowling Australia Ltd

07 3807 8404

Welcome to our Sport.

Both myself and Julie already have had the pleasure of dealing with you through the TBA. Both our questions were answered
personally and with the professionalism that your background suggests.

I am sure you will be a great asset in helping Tenpin Bowling develope in Australia.

Ricky Cox

Legends Tenpin
Thank you Alex for keeping your word and posting here as discussed.

Everyone - please feel free to voice any concerns or questions about TBA either directly on this site, or via Alex direct. I will make sure Alex knows about your concerns and will forward them to him to be answered - either privately or on here. Alex has told me he has no problem with answering virtually any queries on here - the only subject he wont be able to discuss is information regarding TBA finances, otherwise anything can be asked and Alex has promised they will be answered.

This is a step towards reopening honest and reliable communication between the bowlers and TBA. Please take advantage of it.
Australian senior team - selection criteria

May I ask a question on behalf of many senior bowlers - what is the criteria for selection to represent Australia? Who are the selectors and how is the selection conducted?
Lefty I too have asked the same question on the Seniors Forum. Looking forward to a response.

Jeff Elliott
To make the seniors team, you have to be old :^)

People with hip replacements have a more likely chance making the team. Triple bypass patients will also be given higher priority.

Manhattan rubbers must be used at all qualifying attempts. Retro shirts and pants (ie. Billy Gardiner at SPC 2002) are expected.

Jokes aside, I do believe the selection criteria for all squads should be made publicly available. Gives people the chance to know what they need to make teams.


Thanks for your post - both as a representative of the TBA and personally.

It is encouraging to know that there are devoted people out there working for our sport.

Please ignor milkmans comments - they are not indicitave of your average membership bowler, but after all this is a public forum and people are entitled to their comments, regardless of whether they work for the common good or against.

I hope your time with the TBA contributes to both your personal growth and that of the bowling fraternity.

There are an awful lot of people who are prepared to support anyone who is genuine about promoting and improving the sort of bowling.

As you have offered in your post, I return the offer on behalf of bowlers from around Australia - if there is anything that we can do for you - pls ask.

Can you please explain what your idea of an "average membership" is?

You've obviously lost a sense of humour in your "old age".

alex congratulations on your post, this clearly indicates a change in the direction regarding communication from tba.

i resently had a long discussion with you regarding the past, present and future direction of bowling. you displayed a genuine interest in what was being discussed and offered solutions to any question asked.

you can only be perceived as a breath of fresh air to the tba structure. the bowling community should give alex as much support as possible.

on behalf of the SQJTBC i welcome you to the sport of tenpin bowling.

regards chris smith
secretary SQJTBC :D :roll: :lol:
Age is a state of mind

A quick retort is on the tip of my tongue, however I made a personal pledge to myself not to get involved in slanging off - particularly about the "age thing". However............I pay a lot of money to get my hair the same colour as yours!!!! (and I am getting sick of the 'blonde' jokes, along with the jibes about Kiwis and sheep)
Yes boybrowny I'd also like to know what you mean by your average membership bowler.
Especially as you have said that you are speaking on behalf of bowlers from around Australia.
What would we do without you?
I to would also like to know how these bowlers are selected. Due to the fact that a senior bowler in the ACT has been selected and another bowler has placed higher in all the tournaments this year :?: And of course there is the huge uproar over George Frelingos in the fiq team
Answer from Alex regarding these :


The national selection process is as follows:
Comparison of bowlers in tournaments together and where they finish
Comparison of bowlers on a certain tournament condition and where they finish
Previous performances overseas (recent)
Ambassador qualities

There is also a National Training Squad Team Selection Policy and Guidelines that are available when the bowler receives a National Training Squad Athlete Application form. This can be obtained by contacting the Tenpin Bowling Australia office on

Thank you

Alex Popov
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