

New Member
It's boring?

had a look today , and neva seen so many boerd faces in my life , whats going on?
everyone who bowls it is there because they enjoy it you dont have to be so dont whinge about it, its got nothing to do with you
Maybe it was somethin about that w/e? I bowled Mid Country Cup down in Quenbeyan and there were many bored faces there too. Or maybe they were tired...Its one big step up onto the approach and one long walk if yer ball has only just come back...
matt, u dont bowl nemore, u gav it up cause u said u were y r u whingin??
i dont think neone form intercenter has actually COMPLAINED on this matter(although some may they enjoy it as far as i can i dont reakon there where bored faces,...maybe u were bored, and if u r dont go...
i quit because it was boring , i bowled intercenter since i was 10 i think , its lame :arrow:

i work at a bowling ally why would i wonna spend my weekends doing it?
bowling isnt only about intercenter, if you havent noticed.....
you may think intercenter is lame but many others dont, so if you dont like....then just dont go! wouldnt that be the obvious approach??!!
well then, if ur friends bowl and they like it, good 4 them.
intercenter therefore has nothin to do with you, so dont worri bout the suposed "bored" faces that u saw (although no one on here has said that it is borin yet)
i went to intercenter for the first time on sunday and i had the best time ever... sure some people looked disapointed but i think that was because the lanes were hard and no one was really bowling high scores.
Next time matt b4 u make a post why dont u actually get some evidence to back all of your gay arse comments up.
Mate, i was at Mt.Druitt on Sunday, and the lanes were shocking.
I agree with Matt coz it would be betta if u could cheer or somethin'. I reckon it would be better if we were aloud to cheer our teams on. Sure, i love to bowl in intercentre coz it's challenging, but it's not as good as bein' able to cheer your team on.
hard_act_to_follow said:
i went to intercenter for the first time on sunday and i had the best time ever... sure some people looked disapointed but i think that was because the lanes were hard and no one was really bowling high scores.
Were u at Mt.Druitt, coz it was shockin'. It was as if they'd never heard of oiling the lanes. I'm proud coz my high game for the day was 168(lol). NOT!
Lack of oil i take it? When younger kids are struggling to get there ball to stay on the lane or keep it from rolling out i can just imagine how upset they would be!!
micky_macca said:
Lack of oil i take it? When younger kids are struggling to get there ball to stay on the lane or keep it from rolling out i can just imagine how upset they would be!!
Macca, it wasn't only coz it was hookin' so much, but coz i don't yet have a ball for dry lanes. Everyone had trouble, anyway. I tried a lot of shots, but couldn't find one that got me the results. It's good experience, though, bowling on lanes like that.
lol sucha e-thug online telling me off , your mum must be proud! It's lame , all weird looking kids , such fun!
ur 'defence' on this matter is that intercenter is boring and a waste of time because....there is werid looking kids there,..
ha!! u looked in the mirror lately??!! this is so funny..its like me bagging out fat ppl!!! matti, im sure many ppl think ur a champ, and a 'special boy', but as stated earlier, if ya dont like it....dont go! dont whinge bout it cause u chose to go, with everything u do there is a choice, obviously u just keep digging ur own grave....hey, and u no wot??...maybe i am proud of myself and others that hav made posts in this topic, cause finally someone is commenting on ur idiotic comments u make in this forum, things like not havin a ball driller cause u dont bowl we realllly look that interest in knowing u quit bowling because it was everyone elses fault when u bowled shit??!! get a life, thats all i gotta say....
Hey for starters i think u need to shut ur #$%^ because start of all matti aint the one whingen here "use" started it he simplyed asked whats going on like was there somthin wrong that day i dont see it complain or whingen as u put it as u read this forum it shows how much stupidity u must have for not thinkin about a questions before u answer it
matti i have neva met him only bowl with his brother so look twice before u think
feel free to say what u want cause i couldnt care less bout it :wink: [/quote]
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