
As a junior many years ago, I had a conventional drilling and that led to a bony lump forming on the second knuckle of my middle finger. That's when I changed to finger tip because it may have ended up breaking my finger if I continued with conventional drilling. That bony lump is still on my finger but never bothered me any more.
Yes! Yes! Yes! :D
I still have the exact same lump on my middle finger above the knuckle from when I used to bowl conventional with a Columbia Lite Dot in the late 80's, and I also went fingertip for the same reason because my finger used to cane after awhile especially in tournaments.
I'd never heard of anyone else (other than me) describing that problem until you posted that, I thought it must've just been a poorly fitted drilling I had.
TenPin bowling's a blood sport. My Daughter totally shattered her little finger once. Got excited, ddn't watch what she was doing, tripped and she fell and the ball fell on top of her. 5 hours later in casualty she was finally fixed up. Didn't stop her bowling though. she now averages 195, just can't become a concert pianist and still can;t bend that finger. Also bowling balls bounce. She opened her locker one day, the ball fell out, bounced, hit her chin, her teeth went through her lip and was scarred for months.
The other day l was bowling, l noticed a strained muscle in my upper thigh, which hurt when l bowled. Not sure if it was caused by bowling, but it really hurt and gave me a lack of concentration on my game.

Small tiny injuries would include ones on my cuticles and the sides of my nail/finger. When l let the ball go, my fingers start to hurt with the ball rubbing against my nails.
TenPin bowling's a blood sport. My Daughter totally shattered her little finger once. Got excited, ddn't watch what she was doing, tripped and she fell and the ball fell on top of her. 5 hours later in casualty she was finally fixed up. Didn't stop her bowling though. she now averages 195, just can't become a concert pianist and still can;t bend that finger. Also bowling balls bounce. She opened her locker one day, the ball fell out, bounced, hit her chin, her teeth went through her lip and was scarred for months.


How old was she?

The poor dear, she hasn't had much luck with bowling balls has she?
I injured myself by forgetting to take the shoe cover off.

LOL! Been there done that, but didn't injure myself. But when and where I did it was pretty embarrassing.

2006 Shield, day 2, WA vs TAS. Went to get some tape or a skin patch or something else, got back, forgot to take my shoe cover off and whoops..... I ended up at THE ARROWS :oops: :oops:

Also there was this time I almost hurt myself. 2005 Perth Cup. There was a black rubber mark on the approach down on lanes 15 + 16. I had tried to steer clear of it most of the game, but then I struck a 10pin. I figured what the heck and went for it. Stuck on the rubber and did the most spectacular swan dive onto the lane (so I was told) and ended up flat on my face.
I think a couple of the big guns can vouch for that (Walshy? lol)

Bowling is sooo random
broken bones, dislocations and torn ligaments are probably the worst without counting things like heart attacks. I dislocated my ring finger once by pulling up on a delivery, couldnt quite keep a hold of the ball, should have let it go, instead middle came out and the ball twisted the ring finger clean out of the socket.
Some folks seem surprised that you can injure yourself bowling. If you're tentatively plopping the ball down the lane like a social bowler that makes sense. Bowling as a sport requires you to launch the heaviest ball used in any sport and rotate it at the same time, so it's likely that at some point you're going to do something nasty. There's a whole bunch of torsion going on there!

For me, it's mainly sore legs, shoulder and tissue damage when my fingertips are burning at the end of matchplay. As the venerable Leonard Cohen once wrote "I ache in all the places I used to party..."

The best way I know to avoid injury is to get some exercise and do some stretching. There is no substitute for physical strength and flexibility.

I've had many injuries from bowling and some of them cause me pain evey time I bowl now. I don't know how I exactly did it but I was bowling alot of games one day and my knee started to play up then it doesn't help after about a year of having that pain I dislocated my knee and bowled with it for 3weeks. I hurt my wrist theres a name to what I've done but I can't spell it. I did it at Kedron like 3 or 4 years ago and now I have to bowl with a wrist guard. My most recent would have to be my shoulder I bowled at Kedron in Brisbane Area and I'm use to shotting down my line not out and i bowled like 10 games one weekend when I hurt my shoulder then went back the next weekend bowled 20 games one day and 8 the next which really stuffed it up.

My dad had an incident where he travelled to Sydney to bowl and first ball in practise he fell and shattered his knee cap because he didn't know how slippery the approaches are. My dad is a very determined man so he went back and bowled 16 games with it.

My sister broke her finger bowling in QLD Junior Shield at Rockhampton awhile ago because she got her finger stuck between two balls now she can't bend it properly and it sticks out.

So my family may sound accident pron but these are some of the things that can happen.

As alot of people said you can do excerise and stretching but you also have to realise if somethings hurting don't keep doing what is hurting you.

I broke my R thumb being given a high 5 during a tournment it was so hard I broke the scaphoid bone the metacarpal bone and over extendend the ligment that makes your thumb bend. I could not bend my thumb 4 8 weeks and it took extensive work to be able to use my thumb again. My specialiast wanted to operate it was so badly damaged but I had other ideas. That was on the September 9th and I have only now been able to start bowling R handed again. So you can do some serious damage when bowling.

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