Illawarra Invitational

hey all.i bowl at that centre and id really like to attend this invitational but i dont know if i would be good enough.
would a person with an average of about 138 would be able to bowl at it. if so could i hav some info on the invitational.
thanks :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
can u plz remove me from the tournament plz. i have work commitments so i'm afraid i have to pull out maybe next year

chris castle :( :( :oops: :oops: :shock: :shock:

Can you add the following bowlers please:

Squad A - Robert Townsend
Squad B - Chris Slattery

Can you also contact me re Youth Events for 2005

Thanks Sue
hey yeah i would like a calander of the youth events for 2005 too plz as next yr will b my last yr and i want to make the most of it
could u change nathan mcnamara form b squad to a squad


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