ok while i agree in some ways with bee and michelle, tba is starting to get their act together, the problem is, they did a lot of piss farting around in the early years of tba that got a LOT of old (and not so) and once faithful bowlers VERY pissed off.. and to be honest i think it will take a long time to whoo them back on the tba's side.
all sorts of things like non-existant league stationary that was paid for and arrived like 3-6 months later (and after all the bowlers had given it up in disgust - so we couldnt then present the awards they had paid for to them),
the letting go of, and being told to "(you know what) off" - "we dont need you" of level 2 coaches and all coaches in general - mind you which has been covered up extremely well over the years...
stories that i have heard about the [(Edit

atbc] reps visiting bowling leagues and meeting, mixing and promoting with the people that KEEP IT GOING! i would personally love to see that up and going! even if it was only once a year and just a state rep! from a normal league bowlers point of view, how excited would you be to meet and maybe challenge for fun a rep or famous bowler?!
a bowling magazine that used to feature all sorts of stories from all over australia. i'm sure there were reasons why the mag was dumped but reading back on collections at some bowling alleys is nice if you werent around at the time. like back in 93? nationals in tassie the boys open masters was a thrilling final. even just reading it made me shiver! where is that nowdays? (sorry i dont know if i have the right names.. billy gardiner and tony massie in the final?)
sure there's the internet, but what about the people not using the net? or not using it enough to read all the bowling news, you cant take a puter and net access to work to read during lunch or tea

[Edit: and chances are the stuff on the net wont be there in 20 years to show the kids!]
small and major things like that combining all at once have turned people sour. it really is amazing to hear stories from people that were there during the 70's - early 90's and comparing it to what we have today. actually in a lot of ways it is quite sad. but the future can only get better
and to peter, ok so i was in a bad mood when i posted about the website. i apologize. please accept my regards, and remember, there are like over 1000 memebers of grahams site, some/most of which i reckon would be glad to help with the website if you need it or ask for it! whether it be with design, scores, news photos, old classic stories or whatever.
so if your still reading my ramblings, sorry.
correct me if im wrong..
it wass just a little dream i have about the future, getting back to the olden golden days of bowlings prosperity!