I have never been so proud/upset


There are times in everyone’s life that moments don’t seem quite real.
AMP was bowling on the TV pair and I was with Andrew Frawley sitting 10 lanes to her right watching the bowling on the huge TV screen that had set up.
I told Andrew that for some reason AMP looked like she had for seen the future. So positive, so confident. I knew that she knew, she was going to win.
She has been to the world cup more than anyone else I know, and always makes the TV show. This time, I can see the look in her eyes; this time there was no one in the building that was to take what is rightfully hers.

Strike after strike, she repeated her shots better than I have ever seen her do. There was fire in her belly and she let that fire out through every shot she bowled.

I kind of felt sorry for the Korean..... "Does she know what she is in for?" I said to Andrew.

The 2nd game. So important. She struck, and then again for a double after a few troublesome and stubborn corner pins.
I screamed "that’s our girl". She just didn’t stop striking. Andrew and I were up on our feet every shot, yelling support.
The 10th frame. She let the ball go and it was a little in, get there we yelled. High on the head pin and the 4 pin the last pin to fall.........

I looked at Andrew and jumped on him. WE HAVE ANOTHER WORLD CHAMPION.
I ran to the lanes and gave AMP the biggest hug whispering in her ear," You are such a good girl, im so proud of you."
Years of near finishes, had built up years of torment from this event. AMP is a tough girl, I have never seen her cry, but there were tears of joy flowing.

I had never been so proud of a fellow bowler in my life. I knew what this meant to her and to see her dream come true....well, I have no words to describe how happy I am for her.

My turn:

I watched the men’s matches, hoping to see a pattern developing. I did, Bill Hoffman from the USA was striking alot. But that’s ok; I can strike with the best of them.
I walked out to congratulate Bill for winning his match and say sorry to one of my best friends Andres Gomez. Andres worked so hard to get to the TV show, and his scores do not tell the picture of well he bowled.

I started 148, for the first game of the final..... I was no more nervous than I have been in other events, but for some reason everything looked small. My target, the lanes, I don’t know how to explain it.
I was not so positive in my body language, I was in trouble.
I had asked Andrew to sit with me and be my coach on the lanes. I have trusted Andrew with my bowling and he could possibly be the only person in the world I would ever let sit with me while bowling.
He did what a great coach does. Relaxed me without me even knowing he was doing it. Talking about everything else other than my bowling. We both knew where I had to move to, he just wanted to make sure I was going to throw the ball the way I can.

It worked like a charm. I felt so relaxed while bowling, laughing softly in between shots. The lane started to appear larger and my target was huge. 268 and felt I now have a chance to win.

It's amazing how in every match there is a moment where at the end of the game you look back and say "that changed everything".
Bill tripped the 4-9 and a Brooklyn strike in frames 4 and 5, to give him a turkey.
I felt like someone had taken the wind out of my sails. This was so unlike me. I never worry about the other guy, and I never lose my positive attitude.

I think this is what im more upset with myself about; I let it all get to me. I didn’t show it physically, but mentally I was thinking "why is he so lucky, give me a break".

The 9th frame came and I needed to strike out. I made a move left on the approach and for a change I let it go good, perhaps too good. The ball jumped off the spot and I left a 4- 10. Bill had already won, 3 strikes in the 10th would mean Bill needed -1 on his first shot.

I was so upset. Still am really. I wanted this so bad, but I let fear get into the way. "What if I lose" "What if I leave a pocket 8 pin and he carries everything" These are not the thoughts of someone who truly thinks he will win the world cup. AMP didn’t come close to thinking them.

The old saying, you live and learn, is so true, but along with that saying you need patience.
Im young and I know I will win a world cup in my life time; I just wanted it the easy way.
Never again will I let fear stop me from winning.

I just want to say thank you, on behalf of AMP and myself for all the support via this website or via messages.
We are truly proud to be Australian and it’s a wonderful thought knowing a country is right behind you.


And......I will be some day, well that’s the plan!

Jason Belmonte
Awesome write up and awesome bowling. Huge congrats.


And......I will be some day, well that’s the plan!"

Jason the country thinks you allready are.
Fantastic write-up Belmo.

Thanks for an insight into how you felt up there and sharing this event with the rest of us.

You WILL be world champ, just not this time. Multiple times in the future, I would imagine.

You already are a champion of the game, an inspiration to all of us.....showing us what can be achieved, if only the willpower is there.

Congratulations to both of you, AMP the World Champ, and Belmo, 'World Champ in waiting'.
hold your head up high, Jason, you are a champion in every sense of the word!

excellent writeup, straight from the guts!

A hero ;)
Like Belmo, I'm torn between the thrill of Ann Maree's win and the disappointment of his all-so-close matching achievement....
I'm still at the Bowl, chasing pics, and putting together as impartial, unemotional overview as I can for national and international media distribution.... so glad Jason has been able to tell it from his heart, and that you can all share the bitter-sweet feeling of being here in St Petersburg this evening.

Here's the official BWC release, and my own story ...


Ann-Maree Putney of Australia and Bill Hoffman of the USA have been crowned as QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup champions for 2007.

Ann-Maree bowled superbly this morning to beat Sun Hee Lee of Korea in the final winning by two games to nil (280 and 247 to 201 and 226). Her total of 527 is just one short of the all-time record for two games in the TV finals, but her 280 game is the high game for this tournament.

Earlier, Sun Hee Lee had defeated the young German star Tina Hulsch, also by two games to nil (227 to 258 to 223 and 226).

Ann-Maree, whose two sons are back in Australia with their grandparents, said afterwards: "My goal when I came here was to beat my previous best finish which was 4th and I've certainly done that! My 280 game really set it up and when I tipped the four pin in the 10th I knew that was it. This is just the greatest feeling and my best win ever."

Bill equally bowled exceptionally well beating Andres Gomes of Colombia in the sim final by 2 games to nil (247 and 276 to 196 and 205) setting up a final against number one seed Jason Belmonte of Australia.

It was not the final Jason had dreamed of - Jason will be getting married next Sunday and had wanted to give his fiancée Kimberly the World Cup. But Bill was on fire and won the first game by 227 to 147.

Jason came back in game two to win by 268 to 192, so there had to be a third game to decide the champion. It was nip and tuck until Jason left a split which he just failed to convert and Bill went on to win by 221 to 181.

"I had several motivating factors this week" said Bill afterwards. "I really hope this will get me up there into the World Bowling Writers Hall of Fame and be the first American to be inducted since 1963. And I wanted to win so that the US bowling programme can be recognised as the best in the world. Plus it's terrific to follow in the footsteps of Pat Healey who was the last American to win in 1995.

"I have been really impressed with St Petersburg. I visited the Hermitage this week and it's spectacular. And Baltika is one of my favourite beers so it's great to be able to come to the city where it's brewed!"

It was the 4th year in a row that the USA and coach Jeri Edwards have won the Bowling World Cup, but the last three years it has been the women who have finished on top of the podium.

Full results can be seen on the QubicaAMF web site, www.qubicaamf.com


NEWSFLASH – Saturday, 10 November 2007


Australian Ann Maree Putney has won the QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup in St Petersburg, in a thrilling grand final that included a record-breaking 280 game. She defeated Korea’s Lee Sun Hee 280-201 and 247-226 in the best two of three game match, after the Korean had advanced to the grand final by overcoming German teenager, Tina Hulsch in the preliminary round.

Putney, a 37 year-old mother of two from Newcastle, has finally secured the title that has eluded her in five previous attempts in a distinguished career of representing Australia at international level for 16 years.

Today’s success elevates Putney to the ranks of other talented Australian women bowlers who have won this illustrious tournament, now in its 43rd year – (Jeanette Baker back to back in 82, 83), Cara Honeychurch (96), Maxine Nable (98), and fellow Novocastrian, Amanda Bradley (99).

“Wow, it’s just topped the year off very nicely, it’s just the best feeling” said a beaming Putney as she came off the lanes, surrounded by crowds of well-wishers and media. “That 280 game was just unbelievable and then the 247, when I tipped the 4 pin in the 10th ... it was a legend shot,” she added.

The televised final matches proved challenging for the players but didn’t bother Putney. “I never saw the crowd, or the TV cameras at all,” she said. “She was ‘zoned’,” explained her coach, Geoff Bowness. “We work like a race-car team – she’s the driver and I do all the other stuff – it’s a simple process,” he added.

In a surprise result in the men’s division, Australia’s Jason Belmonte was defeated by American Bill Hoffman in an overall low-scoring match that went to a third game decider. Hoffman won the first match convincingly 227-147, but Belmonte hit back strongly in the second with a 268-192 game.

In the deciding game, 33 year-old Hoffman admitted he had some lucky strikes, and went on to defeat the charismatic Aussie who many in the crowd had been barracking loudly for throughout the match, 221-181.

“Both Jason and Bill - if you look at the difference between them and the rest of the field, they both played tremendously strongly … pair to pair the lanes were extremely difficult,” commented USA Coach, Jeri Edwards. “In this tournament the versatility and the ability to see the lane and to make a decision quickly – that’s greatness – when you are around that, it is incredible. They were unbelievably great performances by those two all week,” she said.

Hoffman also praised his opponent, stating ‘He (Jason) is going to keep winning, and winning – to beat him is very, very hard to do …. He is clearly winning more tournaments than anyone else in the world … he is the guy to beat”.

Finishing winner and runner-up respectively in the women’s and men’s division earned Australia the honour of the Bent Petersen Top Country Award, and Mr. Petersen presented the trophies to the two Australians in a short ceremony at the conclusion of the tournament.

Full results are published on the QubicaAMF website – www.qubicaamf.com


For further information, to arrange interviews, or high res pics by BWC official photographer Hero Noda, please contact Lynne Clay via email at lynneclay@bigpond.com

What a legandary post! Thankyou soo much Jason for that insight.

Massive CONGRATS to both yourself and AMP!

You both legends of this game! Now and the future.

You are both awesome people on and off the lanes!

I take my hat off to both of you on fine performances.

CONGRATS AMP on a huge final!

Have a safe trip home.

Hi Jason, You both did well and in our eyes you both won for Australia.
When Anne-Maree was handed the trophy it was very emotional.
Great to watch you again on TV.
Kind regards,
Thank you for that personal insight into one of the biggest days of your life!

Congratulations. And that World Cup is not far away.

Well Done.
Well done Belmo - you represented Australia & done with pride. To finished second is an amazing effort, one which I am sure you will top - soon. Thanks for the insight - it's good to see you are only human.

Congratulations to Both AMP & Jason

To Jason and AMP, Congratulations from all the Guys over here at Suzuka, Japan competing in the Seniors Asian Championships. You have made Australia the talk among all the bowlers. WELL DONE YOU CHAMPS.
Reading Jason's post conjured up such emotion for this truly great champion. Champions are borne out of humility and being able to not only recognise but salute the achievements of others. Jason, long after the excitement of this World Cup dies down, Anne-Marie will read and re-read your wonderful inspirational words and know that through them the Nation salutes her on this magnificent achievement. I would like to offer you both the sincere congratulations of all at AMF Australia and extend to you both our appreciation and gratitude for representing your Country with great dignity and sportsmanship. I am sure, AMP, winning this World Cup will rank as one of your greatest achievements - an awesome outcome for an awesome lady. You are both the pride of Australia. Well done to two great Champions!
Roy Menachemson
CEO Development
Macquarie Leisure Operations Limited
Belmo that post got me in tears. That would have to be the best thing i have ever read.

Congrats to AMP. You are my Idol and have been ever since i started bowling and then when i first meet you i was the happiest girl in the world that you talked to me. I am just so happy for you. You deserve this so much.

Belmo we all think you are the best in the world and we all love you. Congrats mate and it will happen for you.

As everyone else have said you both are great on and off the lanes. Also my hat goes off to you both. I would do anything to be like you AMP.

Have a safe trip Home guys.

Jackie Crick
Firstly to Putts,

You are an amazing person both on and off the lanes. Off the lanes you are so laid back and easy going and will talk to anyone (even me :D), yet on the lanes you are the ultimate professional and amongst all your other amazing achievements you are now World Champion!!!

My hugest congratulations, that is simply awesome.

To Belmo,

You my friend are a once in a generation bowler, who has all the traits of a true champion i.e. super talent, humbleness, knowledge of the game and the ability to grow,improve and to learn from defeats and did I mention super talented :D.

Mate even though you don't YET have the trophy (you will, it's just a matter of time) you are such an amazing ambassador to yourself, your family, and Australian bowling.

We are all super proud and all I can say is



Steve Hunt :D
Belmo you should hold your head high, what you have achieved while wearing your heart on your sleeve and wearing the Australian shirt with pride is something all of us dream to do.

You have always done our country proud on and off the lanes; you have given so much to the bowlers and the sport that we are all so grateful for. You did yourself and your country proud and you gave it everything you had, and for that you should hold your head up high and not be disappointed, you will win a world cup, and when you bowl the next one all of us will be right there behind you giving you the support that all of us did this year. You did Australia and our sport proud, and for that we thank you.
Thanks for the in sight Jason of what went on but nothing much else to say cause it's been said in every post above. Congrats to both of you on your achievements over in Russia. Belmo best of luck this weekend on your Wedding Day.
Belmo you may not have won the world cup but you are a world champion!! You're an inspiration and I'm sure a World Cup win will inevitably be on your long list of achievements.
To AMP congrats, you have made your country proud, well done on your efforts
Congratulations Putz!
You are in the history books. Everyone else has said plenty about your admirable efforts, so I won't take up space repeating their good words.

Jason, I was so disappointed for you when I heard. (Not nearly as much as you must have been, though.) It's a hard tournament, with a cruel format and sadly, you ended up on the wrong side of it, After dominating the event. You were runner-up, but didn't lose the lesson. You therefore remain a champion. Chin up mate. Nice work.
AMP bloody legend effort

Belmo, You got nothing to be upset about mate. In Aussie eyes you are champion of the world already, Just not officially. I would Garantee the world of bowling already sees it that way. Great post Belmo, it was great to hear what was happening in your head while you were bowling.

well done to Andrew Frawley for getting Belmo back on track as well, thats what a patriotic Aussie and good mate would do.

Two legends of Australian sport and its good to see that they are being recognised on radio and tv. well done guys and you made all the bowlers in Australia proud.
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