below is the email i sent to the jackass
its just amazing how much of a tool u really are. if u had any idea of what bowling was all about u would know that ur entire article is a low-life no nothing piece of trash. What id like to know is how the hell u actually were able to write that article without someone pointing how much **** u were talkin about a sport that u obviously known nothing about. Mate let me let u in on a few little things about the sport u seem to know so much about. when a basketballer or a baseballer can hit a target about the size of your thumbnail consistently for almost 1000 times over three days then maybe u can tell me how much of a waste of time bowling is, or how easy u seem to think it is. U might not need to run for kilometres on end, or have physical contact with 150kg steroid induced air-heads, but bowling is just as physical and mental as any sport known. when u have to concentrate for hours upon hours and bowl game after game for days on end, then that is just as physical as running up and down a basketball court. Mate when u actually decide to find out some actual facts and learn a few things about bowling then maybe u will be able to write a decent article. until u decide to do some real journalism then get off ur high horse and stop being such a no-nothin upurself ****er. oh and btw, my brother who is only 14 shot a 685 last week, no practice, no warm-up. Your 'solid' 537 game can suck my balls and blow it out my arse.
Urs truly
Joel Ninyo
Guys like this jsut give me the ****s