I encourage everyone to let this guy know he's a loser

What's the bet he was using a 6lb ball? :p
But i agree get him into a proper tourney, using a 14 or 15 lb ball (like most chicks i know) and see how he fares!!
hahaha a 537... i'm shaking in my boots :p
below is the email i sent to the jackass

its just amazing how much of a tool u really are. if u had any idea of what bowling was all about u would know that ur entire article is a low-life no nothing piece of trash. What id like to know is how the hell u actually were able to write that article without someone pointing how much **** u were talkin about a sport that u obviously known nothing about. Mate let me let u in on a few little things about the sport u seem to know so much about. when a basketballer or a baseballer can hit a target about the size of your thumbnail consistently for almost 1000 times over three days then maybe u can tell me how much of a waste of time bowling is, or how easy u seem to think it is. U might not need to run for kilometres on end, or have physical contact with 150kg steroid induced air-heads, but bowling is just as physical and mental as any sport known. when u have to concentrate for hours upon hours and bowl game after game for days on end, then that is just as physical as running up and down a basketball court. Mate when u actually decide to find out some actual facts and learn a few things about bowling then maybe u will be able to write a decent article. until u decide to do some real journalism then get off ur high horse and stop being such a no-nothin upurself ****er. oh and btw, my brother who is only 14 shot a 685 last week, no practice, no warm-up. Your 'solid' 537 game can suck my balls and blow it out my arse.

Urs truly

Joel Ninyo

Guys like this jsut give me the ****s
chief123 said:
below is the email i sent to the jackass
its just amazing how much of a tool u really are. if u had any idea of what bowling was all about u would know that ur entire article is a low-life no nothing piece of trash. What id like to know is how the hell u actually were able to write that article without someone pointing how much **** u were talkin about a sport that u obviously known nothing about. Mate let me let u in on a few little things about the sport u seem to know so much about. when a basketballer or a baseballer can hit a target about the size of your thumbnail consistently for almost 1000 times over three days then maybe u can tell me how much of a waste of time bowling is, or how easy u seem to think it is. U might not need to run for kilometres on end, or have physical contact with 150kg steroid induced air-heads, but bowling is just as physical and mental as any sport known. when u have to concentrate for hours upon hours and bowl game after game for days on end, then that is just as physical as running up and down a basketball court. Mate when u actually decide to find out some actual facts and learn a few things about bowling then maybe u will be able to write a decent article. until u decide to do some real journalism then get off ur high horse and stop being such a no-nothin upurself ****er. oh and btw, my brother who is only 14 shot a 685 last week, no practice, no warm-up. Your 'solid' 537 game can suck my balls and blow it out my arse.
Urs truly
Joel Ninyo
Guys like this jsut give me the ****s
This man is on crack seriously,
how dare he say "In fact, I'd be willing to argue that ping-pong played in my basement is more of a sport than bowling." Like what the *%$@ who say's that?

Obviously if this sport is for people that dont sweat much.. he has never bowled a tournament of 10 or more games,

I agree with what everyone has said so far. But I think the most valid point made here was made by Robbie.
You cant just bad- mouth him for his opinion, you have to at least try and convince the non-believer that he is entirely wrong.
If you try your best to convince him and it doesnt work then there will be no convincing him.
I just read what this Chris Miles said about bowling, this attitude is common among most people I have found who do not play a sport at all, I know that most footballers and sportsmen I know consiter bowling a sport and are interested in playing it. What is of interest to me is mabey Chris does not hate or dislike bowling but is outraged that people are finding it easy to get into college by simple skill in a sport he belives is not hard to sucseed in.

This article of his is a great way for bowling to get even less recognition as a serious competitive sport. I belive bowling is a serious sport and tales all the mental skill of games such as Chess or even poker and the day long endurance of any marathon because like it or not the mental game of bowling does tire you out especially when concentrating for hours on end in elimination tournaments. Yes I belive in Robbies approach to this man even though it is hard to maintain restraint after this man has put down the sport we all enjoy.

,Jordan McCahill
Hey - everyone there is no such thing as bad publicity - it is all good.

He has just highlighted to persons who may have not been aware previously the fact that Bowling is recognised in many institutions and that is what we want
TBAQ in Qld are doing this development work in partnership with bowling centres and are training teachers to teach tenpin in over 150 schools each term - 40,000 kids are exposed to bowling each year -
We also have a State wide school competition and teams from schools in Cairns and far north come down to Brisbane to compete in the finals.

We should be examining how we can get every State active in this role - Is it worth a dollar or two for each annual membership to go to your State Association to pay a person to deliver school programs to school teachers - and is it worth it to proprietors to buy the equipment that will be delivered to schools????? to run the program.

Thankfully over half the proprietors in Qld say yes to this - Maybe just maybe one day the young ones in Australia - their kids may benefit from these decisions and our sport may make it on all levels in Australia? Who knows

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