I am looking for intrest


Hi guys and gals
I am thinking of geting another skins up and running at Milton again.
It wont be a normal skins but it will be a scratch and handicap skins.
There will be a cut off at 20 bowlers per division you can not bowl in both divisions and handicap will be 90% of 200 and averages will be checked.So feel free to ask me any questions i havent answered or if you can think of something i have forgotten and details will be finalised when i see how much intrest i get for this.
Scott Fryer
Hi Scott

As always, we will be interested....it's bowling and it's at Milton and we'll have a go at anything!

Kyles & Lacky
I have never bowled in a skins before.

Just a few things:
1. Approx cost of entry?
2. Divisions - how many and what levels?
3. How many games?
4. Prize fund? $/skin.

Always been interested in bowling in tourneys but they have always been either scratch ones that come around where I would not quite be up to the challenge, or they have been too expensive. But definately interested in getting involved.


Hay people i seem to be getting a better response this time round so if i get a few more i will sit down and start sorting out the major details,cost and prize money. So keep the intrest commng and Scotty H i will let you know the things u wanted to know as soon as i sort them out.

Scott Fryer
Will there be a cap on the team averages for the scratch division? So that way there cant be a couple with a combined average of like 450 or something outrageous?
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