Kedron Skins Tournament 23rd December


Hello all.

AMF Kedron Bowl is hosting a skins tournament just in time for Christmas on Sunday December 23rd. Check-in time is 6.30pm, to bowl at 7pm

Format is as follows:

**All Bowlers will bowl 10 games with a lane change after every 2 games.
**Evens move one pair right, odds one pair left.
**There will be both scratch and handicapped skins.
**Average is to be current highest league average, and handicap will be 80% of 200.

Prizes are as follows:

**Skins for each game are $40.00 for the scratch skin, and $40.00 for the handicapped skin (you can win both in the one game), with a $10.00 runner-up skin (handicap skin only)
**The bowler with the highest scratch game on the night will win $25.00
**The bowler with the highest handicapped game on the night will win $25.00
**The bowler with the longest run of strikes each game will win $10.00. In the event of a tie, the $10 will jackpot to the next game, and so on, until won.
**The bowler with the highest scratch pinfall on the night will win $25.00
**The bowler with the lowest handicapped pinfall will win a bottle of scotch.

All prizes are based on 30 entries, and will increase or decrease depending on the number of entries that we receive.

Cost: $70 for 10 games
Time: Check-in 6.30pm; Bowl 7.00pm
When: Sunday 23rd December

If you would like to put your name down for this skins tournament, or if you have any enquires, ring Ross Clulow at AMF Kedron Bowl on (07) 3350-1177. You are also quite welcome to leave a reply on the forum or through my email address, and I shall be able to pass it on to Ross @ Kedron for you.
We will require your Centre, League and Average details to determine handicaps.

Thank you.

Just thought I'd let ppl know only a few days left to put your names down the for the skins tournament. There are (as of Tuesday 18th Dec) currently 28 names confirmed. We would like a couple more names to make it up to the 30 needed, however we will take as many names as we receive.

To everyone, have a very Happy and Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Hi all....
Just wondering who else is bowling 2morrow night?? Does anyone have a list of who is bowling??
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