How smart are you?

I'm upto 32/33 on test 1 and 15/24 on test 2.

Can anyone help me out with 15 M on a D M C???? That one is really bugging me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Catchya Bec.
becky22 said:
I'm upto 32/33 on test 1 and 15/24 on test 2.
Can anyone help me out with 15 M on a D M C???? That one is really bugging me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Catchya Bec.
15 men on a dead mans chest
hey everyone,

got 21/24 on the 2nd test, 3 to go and its driving me crazy...
does anyone know what the following are? they r probably the easiest knowing me :D

8 B in a B
17 S in a H P
1 7 S H in the W

hmmm - this is interesting

I got 30/33 in the first one and 16 in the second one.

Saved them so I can try it again when I am more awake.

Thanks for the links...
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