What about the future of bowling.......
If the trend continues then soon we will all by hanging the shoes up right next to yours.
Thats something im not ready for till im ready.
Clearly bowling is doing something wrong??? Easy lane patterns are not bring bowlers back and they are not keeping them either, so why have them SO EASY?? What benefit does that have for bowling (and its image) or the bowling centres owners???
If bowling was portrayed with some class/skill, and tournament bowling was on the back page of the telegraph, whilst you say you would retire in 2008, i know you would not quit 100%.
Plus if bowling had huge media attention the $$$ would follow.
Golf, Tennis, any other sport for that matter that the media loves is there because the general population respect what they do. I cant go and hit a golf ball and score as low as Tiger and i sure as hell cant crack a forehand down the line at 160km/h like Rodger, but bowlers can have higher series than i do, have more 300's than i do, and i am considered one fo the worlds best......those people who can now score higher than me can now say....."Its not that impressive, i can do that!"
BANG, thats the sound of the respect balloon that follows that sentence!!!!!!!!
If i can do something that some else can, im not too impressed, watching someone do something i wish i could......gets me interested in that sport.
Georgie, you may be right about the game not changing, but for bowlings sake, i hope it does!
Oh and like i said before, i dont want the average of players to drop 50 pins..... just 10.... is that too much????
I love a good debate
ps- Just bowled in the world's largest bowling centre in Japan, 156 lanes, it was 258 lanes but the 4th floor was closed due the owners laying an easier pattern on the other 156....noone wanted to make a spare up stairs
pss- The above PS is not entirly true, it really is 156 lanes, and was 258 lanes untill last year and the 4th floor did close but it was because of the cost of lane oil.
psss- Ok that wasnt true either, everything is true except the oil part. They closed the top 52 lanes because it was getting hard to fill the first 156 (over 3 levels) let alone pack it out on the 4th!
pssss- I told the truth that time (i think)