How much do you love bowling art?


69-Large for that? :confused:
Christ, my money worries are over! Gimme the textas! :p
Hmmm... It's not even good cubism. Nice brushwork though. My guess is it's somebody's poor misconception of what bowling and cubism are about. But this won't stop them looking for someone with lots of cash, no brains and the desire to look down their nose at bowling as something stuck in the 50's.

Insulting to Bowlers, Artists and the PBA! (If the painting exists at all for that matter...)
is the artist dead
it might be worth something then
i reckon he killed himself after realising thats his best work

daniel d
What concerns me is that it has been gallery valued at $90 000 :eek: . My opinion is that it isn't worth the postage costs of $90.00 ;).
This guy tried selling something of a similar style back in november. Buy it now price was $49,000 ended up getting $2000 on nearest offer! same thing happened back in october, price was 51k he got 2k
Seems like someone is a little ambitious
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