How many 300's have been bowled this year compared to other years?

I think that too, its because of jealousy based crap like that that stuff like sport conditions exist. Boo bloody hoo you cant recreate the 60's. Quicker sport bowling dies the better

wow..look who has succumbed to the house shot mentality. Mr Bowling History himself, Adrian Shelton....i feel for you my've been spoiled up in Queensland...
I think that too, its because of jealousy based crap like that that stuff like sport conditions exist. Boo bloody hoo you cant recreate the 60's. Quicker sport bowling dies the better

Yeah im not saying the SS should die, i enjoy challenging myself on some of the harder patterns, but i draw the line on allowing myself to get upset if someone else scores well regardless of where or how they bowl.

I found an interesting piece below about how to approach your opponent in direct match play... i think it could be applied to any competition bowling in any format whether direct match play or teams. At the end of the day you have no control over how someone else bowls so just worry about yourself
Dont worry too much Wayne, its not so much the sport conditions themselves just the fuss people make over them that dont know sod all about lane conditions(remember its not just the oil pattern, but do people listen???) in the first place. Gawd no wonder i feel burned out, im getting grumpier by the week.

Good one!!:rolleyes:

In an earlier post you said Good Luck and Well Done to those that achieve 300did you not? So why say that in one breath and then say they only did it in ditched centres.

Anyway im not here to argue the point i still believe anyone who gets a 300 especially the first one (as nerves would play a big part) deserves recognition so if you have done it in 1960 or 2009 well done!

I have said all along, even when this first came up, that a 300 game is considered perfection in our sport, much like a hole in one is for golf. A 300 game is, and always will be, great for whoever bowls it and well done to those who do. In no way should the sense of achievement be taken from people who bowl a 300 game.

You seem to be missing the point. With all the technology in balls out there there is no need for centres to deliberately lay a ditch so that they achieve high scores. Certain centres are only doing this to get people in the door and keep them. Great idea for their bottom line but bad for the sport.
Sup bowling fam:)

Consistency is still needed no matter how big a ditch you find. Luck also plays a big part in our sport & no matter how good or bad you are if lady luck is on your side then you can throw the headpin and watch the 10 soldiers fan down. On the other hand I have had luck work against me sometimes and whether it was a lose rack or some unforeseen force Ive thrown some beautiful pocket shots and left some very interesting splits on my way to a perfect 300 game.

Ive also witnessed civilians with no fancy gear at all except for a battered up house ball throw no where near the pocket and by some type of black magic send all ten scattering...see my point about lady luck:)

So on behalf of all the members of our 300 club I just wanted to welcome any new recruits & encourage anyone who has not had the pleasure of the big 12 to keep on trying your best and dont give up no matter what center you bowl in:)

Anyways Just wanted to speak my 300 cents:)
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