Honestly this thread has really gotten off topic hasn’t it. The question is how can we boost numbers? The suggestion was made by Cameron and Luke to drop the age limit and Taya was simply agreeing with this as she was understandably disappointed that she was excluded from the masters. Taya’s mistake was that she received free entry into the masters due to her Brisbane Area win and was eager to see if she could win State as well. Perhaps she did make a mistake and may not have read the entry form completely (young eager people have never been guilty of this before
Let me just bring to the attention of this OPEN forum that the last junior masters Taya qualified for she did read the form front and back and the rules were
1. The player must
reside in QLD
2. The player must
bowl in QLD
3. The player must
be sanctioned in QLD
and Taya resides, bowls and is sanctioned in QLD and was
STILL disqualified from entering those masters. Even with the backing of various TBA heavy weights she was still refused entry.
I don’t know how the numbers can be boosted but obviously some people on this thread are genuinely eager to see our sport move ahead and others are insistent on making this a feeding frenzy on a young woman who is only guilty of one thing
“Trying to compete in a sport that she loves and do her best to go as far as she can in this sport”
nomad said:
Not really sure what your point is “Who cares how many masters Taya bowled in that day

” I didn’t think it was really any concern of yours. However, thank you for your concern, but do you actually have any
constructive comments on how to boost numbers????
And to answer your question “Speak No Evil” Taya did edit her post to
add points that she thought of after reading her original post. She didn’t change the wording or context of her original post, she merely added onto it. Did you not see that?
At the end of the day lets all find a common ground and work towards making this sport as good or should I say GREAT as it can be. So lets see some suggestions about boosting number!!!!
Lets get bums on lanes not off!!!!