How can they boost numbers for Championships/Masters

bm2 said:
Paul -
I am sure that Jagga, Gary Bernardin and Chris Webster, not to mention several of the WDV ladies, are all flattered that you think they are younger than you ;) !

Oh ,I meant in the Open Masters but those guys arent much over 45
Taya04 said:
I bowled in Singles, Doubles and Teams to be able to bowl masters and the people I bowled with were then told the day before they were not eligable to bowl masters because they had bowled their squads with me.

My Understanding is the other bowlers were still eligible to bowl Masters. It was only yourself due to the age rule were not eligible to bowl masters.

Someone correct me if im wrong.

What Taya meant was that due to the age rule, her scores were disqualified leaving the people who bowled with her without that particular score.

For example Teams was null and void, therefore anyone using that team event to qualify for masters then had to do another team event. However due to not being notified until late Saturday afternoon there was no time to do another team event and therefore they were not eligible for masters.
Yes Andrew you are correct, no other bowlers in that team were disqualified or disadvantaged and were permitted to bowl Masters.

Kelly Warren
Taya04 said:
Yes it is a seperate thing Jase but I'm not understanding is, I won the Brisbane Area Masters and was given free Enrty into the Sate Masters and was told I was eligable to bowl and represent my masters title when infact I was not because I am not 18 yet so why let bowlers who are not 18 yet bowl in the Brisbane Area but not Sate? Especially when if some who is not 18 yet wins masters. Why not just make the age limit 18 in the same year? Save all the drama's. Why make it so different? I bowled in Singles, Doubles and Teams to be able to bowl masters and the people I bowled with were then told the day before they were not eligable to bowl masters because they had bowled their squads with me. To me thats not fair. Not just to me but to the other Adult bowlers who could and were able to bowl. And even it the Comittee did miss this rule, it's still no excuse. Why let someone bowl then tell them the night before they wasted their money. Bit of a blue I think.

You know what I find odd young lady is I have sat and watched you edit your post how many times since you posted it this morning, you are changing everything you said in your first post....
I wish you would leave it alone, or explain to all of us why you keep editing it!!!!!!

Now my two cents worth, I have been around bowling for many years, and I find this rubbish, bottom line you were not 18 therefore you were not able to bowl, when you filled out your entry did you not read that it was for ADULTS and when you bowled your were not an ADULT. The other people in your team would not have lost there pinfall when they bowled the teams event with you, that would of stood and went towards there all events leaving them to bowl the Masters. I think you need to look into alot of the rules before you start pointing the finger. I think the TBAQ does the best they can.
This thread is about boosting numbers for the state champs, not turning this into a fight because a JUNIOR could not bowl ADULT masters.

Now I will go back to my knitting and my cup of tea.
Honestly this thread has really gotten off topic hasn’t it. The question is how can we boost numbers? The suggestion was made by Cameron and Luke to drop the age limit and Taya was simply agreeing with this as she was understandably disappointed that she was excluded from the masters. Taya’s mistake was that she received free entry into the masters due to her Brisbane Area win and was eager to see if she could win State as well. Perhaps she did make a mistake and may not have read the entry form completely (young eager people have never been guilty of this before OBVIOUSLY)

Let me just bring to the attention of this OPEN forum that the last junior masters Taya qualified for she did read the form front and back and the rules were
1. The player must reside in QLD
2. The player must bowl in QLD
3. The player must be sanctioned in QLD
and Taya resides, bowls and is sanctioned in QLD and was STILL disqualified from entering those masters. Even with the backing of various TBA heavy weights she was still refused entry.

I don’t know how the numbers can be boosted but obviously some people on this thread are genuinely eager to see our sport move ahead and others are insistent on making this a feeding frenzy on a young woman who is only guilty of one thing “Trying to compete in a sport that she loves and do her best to go as far as she can in this sport”

nomad said:

Not really sure what your point is “Who cares how many masters Taya bowled in that day :confused: ” I didn’t think it was really any concern of yours. However, thank you for your concern, but do you actually have any constructive comments on how to boost numbers????

And to answer your question “Speak No Evil” Taya did edit her post to add points that she thought of after reading her original post. She didn’t change the wording or context of her original post, she merely added onto it. Did you not see that?

At the end of the day lets all find a common ground and work towards making this sport as good or should I say GREAT as it can be. So lets see some suggestions about boosting number!!!!

Lets get bums on lanes not off!!!!
You have made this as a personal attack on my comment of CONGRATUALTIONS to Taya on bowling two masters in one day. I was not aware that she was disqualified from state masters. However when I read this thread I later found out. So I added that post in.

Obviously you have had nothing constructive to say either from your first post as that had nothing to do with the TOPIC on hand. Secondly we are all aware of Taya's Junior Masters effort but not everybody knows that Taya rolled off for the Northern N.S.W. President Sheild Team. She was not selected thru the draft and by these actions she had been banned from participating in any JUNIOR events which could lead to State representation. You just left THAT BIT OUT.

Next time why doesn't TAYA just talk for herself instead of "WHAT TAYA MEANT TO SAY WAS". If everbody played by the rules maybe more people would bowl. My 2 cents worth to this thread.

Guys.. Isn't this getting off topic abit, seeing as the topic is about "How can they boost numbers for Championships/Masters" it's not about Taya, Because im sick to death about reading about her, no offense Taya.

Jodee Spicer-Hayter
How bout you get rid of the $5.00 Administration fees per event/per bowler and either add it to the prize fund or make it cost effective, most area championships are somerwhere between $10-$15 per event, with fuel going up and up lets be a little more smarter people in how you attract the bowlers. Unless your a state team bolwer (isnt that where the money or some of it ends up) the adminstration fees suck and in a team of 5 you need $25 for a pen & paper, yeah what ever ??? If its voluntry why do you need to charge for it why not $1 per bowler ??? Why dont you make the centres especially AMF run ones have to have games for $3.30 per game (or close to it, no more then $10). Cant the centres make enough money off their snack bars for 3 weekends in a row. It should be a privillage to hold the State Championships not to rip everyone off. Its only held once a year surely you cant go out of business for throwing in some cheap games every now and then.

And can you tell me why in a 20 lane centre with 10 lanes or more being used is it so hard to make sure people arn't on the same pair for consequetive events (like this year with nobody hardly there on opening weekend with 4 bowlers bowling they still screwed it up) Why have the rule if no is smart enough to think a little when planning???

How bout a ball sponser or say a top bowler to donate a new bowling ball or 2 and in return let them bowl for free or just pay the prize fund. Let the people who dont cash or bowl all events have a chance to win one??

I agree let others bowl say maybe people turning 18yr old but fairs fare Adults cant bowl in Junior or (Youth events if your 24 or older) or the ATBSO if your not 50, there is a reason why there is a State Junior & National events to bowl in. There is quite alot of tournaments now that it doesn't matter what age you are so its not like 15,16 & 17yr olds arn't getting a fare go (Association Challenge, Adult Rep Teams, Twin Tour, Sports Series just to name a few plus several Opens & Skins)

The masters qualifying though $10 a qualify how bout $5, I know you need to boost the prize money but half the time the only reason people bowl state and all events is because they have to, to bowl masters (especially the zone winners), make it more attractable and the people will come with the proper people running it and centres that know what their doing (not having ago at Milton just in general). The new masters format especially Open ones seems very good as long as the pinfall is dropped after each stage where the field is cut, that gives anyone the chacne to win if you bowl well, not just make the cut and be behind by 200 pins

I agree with Jase and others that if 1st palce in each zone doesn't wish to enter. Maybe have it so it is allowable to send second or at worst 3rd (the placings only) for say half the cost??? or have a spot guaranteed but have to pay still???

Also if not already have an average bracket of say 180 or 190-210 so there is more chance of having a chance to win (ie not getting smashed by the champs Brando & George) there are alot of ones between 190-210 that cant always shoot 700/800 not like the top of the line bowlers of today, why not give them a chnce to win instead of open or classic that everybody is in.

Hope the ideas have pleased some, sorry to all who dislike the comments
Shopping math......

A shopper will pay $2 for a $1 item if they want it bad enough........

Cost may be a considerable factor for some but for the majority they simply don't want the product (bowling) bad enough.

I think you have to look at making the product more attractive rather than reducing it's cost.

Cheap costs more money to produce a game of tenpins than what you realize.............there are a lot of overheads involved with running a bowling centre, especially when a lot of the products used inside the centre have to be imported from the states.

Nathan .. thank you for your comments.
9 x 4 said:
And can you tell me why in a 20 lane centre with 10 lanes or more being used is it so hard to make sure people arn't on the same pair for consequetive events (like this year with nobody hardly there on opening weekend with 4 bowlers bowling they still screwed it up) Why have the rule if no is smart enough to think a little when planning???

There was new software in operation at this years championships. The program was delivered only 1 week prior to the event, so the volunteers didn't have a lot of time to get to know the ins and outs of the software. Under the circumstances, they did a sensational job.

9 x 4 said:
I agree with Jase and others that if 1st palce in each zone doesn't wish to enter. Maybe have it so it is allowable to send second or at worst 3rd (the placings only) for say half the cost??? or have a spot guaranteed but have to pay still???

I dont disagree, but the automatic qualifying is for WINNERS.

9 x 4 said:
Also if not already have an average bracket of say 180 or 190-210 so there is more chance of having a chance to win (ie not getting smashed by the champs Brando & George) there are alot of ones between 190-210 that cant always shoot 700/800 not like the top of the line bowlers of today, why not give them a chnce to win instead of open or classic that everybody is in.

Not sure if we would actually get the time to run this ... it's only over 2 weekends and if someone from the country areas wanted to bowl 'Classic Cup' and Open Masters, they'd have to come down 2 weeks in a row ?... Then again, Paul Chambers came into the champs on a 181 avg and ran 4th in the Open Masters. Those watching thought he was a real chance to take it out.

Thanks for taking the time to post. Will ask a few questions you have posed at the next meeting.
Is it true that with the Open Masters...

1st place was $500.00
2nd place was $250.00
3rd to 6th received not a cent??
Jase said:
Is it true that with the Open Masters...
1st place was $500.00
2nd place was $250.00
3rd to 6th received not a cent??

Jase, the first 2 placings payments are guaranteed. Other payments come down to how much money is left in the kitty, which is still being determined.

If we had 30 players, we would have paid down to sixth, but we had 20.
Nathan regarding the game rates, it wouild be nice to have a game rate under $4 but unfortunately we can't dictate to AMF.

It makes it hard when the current open play rate for Qld (as advertised on their website) is $12.50 - and although we too think it should be a privilege to hold a State Championship, AMF Managers are under considerable pressure to improve their bottom line.

I think Brunswick Tech has nailed it when he says we need to make the product more attractive.

We need a format that will bring in the entries. Maybe scrap the singles and doubles events and take all results from a Team entry only?

We certainly need the Centres on side, if we can get them to push the event we should get more participants. For that we may need some form of cash incentive scheme.
Maybe qualify in league to represent the Centre as a Team? Charge a qualifying fee with part of it going to the Centre and part of it going towards the entry fee?

What do others think?
Peter guaranteeing prize funds these days is unheard of unless you have a sponsor guaranteeing first place. Other payments coming down to how much money is left in the kitty, well I wouldn’t have thought that was going to be much at all.

I mean you have 20 men paying 65 dollars each = $1300.00
Prize fund of, $750.00
Leaving $550.00

With approximately 190 odd games played in the men’s section alone, at 3.50 approx a game = $575.00 + dollars or so.

Not sure how many $10 nominations there were but as for the ladies entries I would nearly guarantee that it was run at a huge loss if they too were guaranteed.

I think not just State masters but right across the board even tournaments with low entries, this is something that also needs to be looked at. I would only hope that with approximately 12 entries in the ladies that they weren’t guaranteed the same payout.

Doesn’t the defending champion get a free entry into next year!

I think as part of winning a league, weather it be teams, singles or doubles, perhaps they can also have a paid entry into the championships as part of there prize. We need fix this at a local level.

Just a thought!

In finishing, a time when bowling is on the decline, why is it that the K&K Classic can pull numbers!!! Maybe Graham and Cheryl Spicer should be inducted onto the Board in some way shape or form. I am not saying that we should take-take-take from our sponsors but the CLEAN UP WITH K&K STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS sure has a nice ring to it....;)
Jase ..

The winner of the State Champs gets the Guaranteed $500, + Entry into the National Masters, + a Shirt and Entry into next years Masters.

All of the money for this has to come from the prize fund.

The $500 Guaranteed has been happening for a while, and it's designed to attract entries. The ladies field guarantee wasn't as much.

Your calculations are spot on, there is not much left, although you have to add in Masters Qualifying attempts (did 3 myself)... about 15 - 20 I think ...

I think that the $500 may come from the tournament funds anyway (I may be wrong (again)), so there may still be a little left over. Will work through it and find out.

I was not even going to take the time to dignify your comments with a response, but then it got the better of me.

Firstly, there are several posts prior to your own that CLEARLY address the fact that I was disqualified from the masters due to my age. You yourself made the comment about “Whipper Snappers” making reference to the fact that I had overlooked the 18 years of age rule. You then went on to say two masters in one day was ALOT. You completely contradicted yourself .

The post from “The Reggae” was not a personal attack on your congratulations for my masters effort as you where IN REALITY NOT making a congratulatory remake at all. Also your post on Mum’s birthday message was a obvious indication that you knew I was going to be disqualified!

Secondly, yes I was disqualified from the junior masters and yes I did roll off for Northern NSW and that was not left out or hidden as you implied, in fact everyone is WELL aware that I rolled off for Northern and I am very proud of that fact and have made that very well known all over this site as have “The Reggae” on occasion. The fact is that I was granted exemption by TBA to roll off for Northern and I adhered to all rules and regulations during that process.

I then entered the State masters under the rules of that tournament. I qualified for masters and then at the last minute was disqualified and the reason given was that the board had made a decision that they could not risk a junior representing another state to win free entry into the national masters off a QLD tournament.

There was no intention for any rules to be broken by my entry into the State Championships it was just an unfortunate mistake on my part of running off with my free masters entry and booking all the other events in order to qualify. Trust me that mistake will never be made again and I don’t appreciate your tone implying that I don’t play by the rules because that is categorically UNTRUE and UNFOUNDED. I will not stand for your slanderous remarks.

Should you wish to make any further comments or accusations please do so via private message as this is not appropriate behaviour for this website and I certainly don’t want to be banned for inappropriate behaviour.

Please can we get back on track and genuinely try to come up with suggestions on how we can better our sport and get more entrants into our tournaments.

Thank Cam and Luke for opening up a can of WHOOPASS (LOL)

P.S. Jodes, I too am sick of reading about myself. But when you are a WWE superstar, Eddie’s best friend and black azz gangsta rapper with Fiddy, Em, Snoop and Dre everyone wants a piece of you. Soon I wont even be able to come bowling I’ll have that much paparazzi around me LMAO

Taya04 said:
I qualified for masters and then at the last minute was disqualified and the reason given was that the board had made a decision that they could not risk a junior representing another state to win free entry into the national masters off a QLD tournament.
Taya you were misinformed. The board did not make that decision. The board members were not even aware that the decision had been reached.
To my knowledge the decision was taken at a Junior Meeting.
Taya04 said:
I then entered the State masters under the rules of that tournament. I qualified for masters and then at the last minute was disqualified and the reason given was that the board had made a decision that they could not risk a junior representing another state to win free entry into the national masters off a QLD tournament.

Sorry Andrew,
Please except my apology, I should have been clearer and stated that "The Junior Board" made the decision without the knowledge of TBAQ or TBA

P.S. Hope you are feeling better :lol:
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