The sport of bowling will never be seen as more than a social thing if owners/managers and the industry "supporters" only market it at the social side.
We have all read the post from AMF as to why they have stopped sponsorship of this site. We have a NSO that appears to be trying to get things up and running, but at the current moment have nothing back. (I refer to their website under coaching, where the courses have been pulled for review for a year, site says due for completion march 2009, its now may)
There are also "non bowlers" who are running bowling alleys across the country, cashing in on bowlings revival in the "fun past time" market.
And in these centres, come the league bowlers, who take it seriously, but have their own fun in their leagues. u mix social & serious bowlers together and somethings gotta give, either the social bowlers leave the league and go back to social bowling or the league bowlers go and dont come back. How many centres out there now that are less than 5 years old, have people who are in charge or staff that work that have no idea bout bowling as a sport and only see it as a social thing? how many parents come into centres now and let their kids run around the place and let the staff "babysit" their own children while they have a coffee & catch up on the latest goss with their friends.
when i started bowling 13 years ago it was something that my brother and i did with our father. and it was something fun for us back then, we didnt take it seriously, until the owner and the association in the centre started rewarding us with badges & patches for what we had achieved. once the praise started coming in we both turned serious and actually stared practicing, working to our next goal.
I see 13 year olds come in with schools and they use it as a chance to get out of school work, something that has minimal supervision from their teachers, where they can muck around, but very few have taken it seriously. The 8 years olds are even more well behaved then the older kids who are ment to be young adults!!!
case 1. old league bowlers come back to a league, centre hasnt been in the city for 20 + years. group of new bowlers come in the the league. all goes well till the new bowlers get a call to report to a fire before league. they go and do their job, but dont tell the centre whats happening. other team bowls like they are playing a blind. all is well till the other team come in 3 days later and are allowed to post bowl with no notice to opposition or league. end result, team that showed up on the league night, quit the sport that night, walked out on the league because management to them that it only ment lineage for them they didnt care.
case 2. a serious league bowler was serious about his bowling whilst on the approach. (nothing too major) off the approach he had a laugh with his team, and his opposition on the night. Few new bowlers felt intimidated by his approach to bowling and made complaints to management. end result. league bowler got banned for 1 month from bowling in any type of league, tournament & social bowling in the centre because management felt that his actions were putting off the new bowlers and impacting their bottom line.
(funny enough, the people who complained are still in leagues bowling with this person, have realised that this is his style and have moved on. even gives them tips about their game when they ask him what they are doing wrong)
in my centre there are 2 junior boys who have taken to bowling and class it as a sport. then there are 3 maybe 4 young adults (18-25 years) that are into it as a sport. after that everyone else is over 50 and knew the sport back in its heyday when it was all about leagues and getting better.
so in my view unless every singe centre is on the same wave length and put as much effort into retaining and nurturing not only juniors, but the young adult crowd and tries not only to retain them but convince others that it is a serious sport that can have much reward for them, bowling will die a sad and lonely death from its glory days. to me that day is coming, but i'm trying to prolong it by working hard at my sport, be a role model for the younger kids out here, that yea you can have fun whilst bowling, but you can still take it seriously and become good at it.