Hobart Cup scores aren't exactly "LIVE"

Peter Coburn said:
In fact, I might even decide to go home early, put my feet up and have a social life with fellow bowlers rather than spending 15 hours each day in the bowl just so you can complain about the service.

Do it Old Man!! Reward yourself for all the hard work you put into tournaments. You deserve it!! Im also sure its hard work when you are beaten by your wife ;)
Keep up the good work Peter.

Yes cheers Peter thanks for the scores if we have to wait thats ok can not be instant all the time and i know we all exepect instant results these days but hay we get them with in hours is cool and fine.

Thanks for doing them.
Peter Coburn said:
However, now that none of the tournament promoters include a line item in their event budget to provide webscores therefore the services provided by Ian and Graham have long gone.
Unfortunately, you have to put up with my voluntary services and a lower level of service for those events without budget.

Peter, I hope you don't feel like you have to answer for anything. The job you do as a volunteer is amazing, and shows what you are willing to do for the sport. If everybody had your mentality and drive for the sport, we'd be going places.

It is a shame that tournament promoters are cutting back on things like payment for coverage, but really I think that comes down to people bitching and complaining about the cost of bowling. I guess that was the first thing to go.

To me the question is this - "when will people learn that to get this sport going again you've got to put something back in?".

Stop asking what it can do for you. If you really can't afford to bowl, that's fair enough, no-one is asking you to sacrifice your family wellbeing and stability, but it takes sacrifice to get something you love (or supposedly love) off the ground. Just ask **** Weber when he was alive, now there is an example we should all strive to as bowlers. He gave thoughtlessly to the game he loved, and look what happened as a result. And one of the best team players ever to boot - says something about the man doesn't it.

So thankyou Peter, what you do is appreciated. The sort of stuff that you and a few others do is what manages to just keep tournament bowling on the map, and from disappearing completely.

If this trend in Australia continues, I can see those that are serious players moving overseas just to find some competition. With the amount of talent here in this country, it's a huge shame.
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