Hobart Cup scores aren't exactly "LIVE"


Bowling Tragic
The Hobart Cup began over three hours ago at the time of this posting..I'd like to know where the "LIVE" scores are that were promised on the TBA website and promoted on this site by Peter Coburn.
wchester said:
The Hobart Cup began over three hours ago at the time of this posting..I'd like to know where the "LIVE" scores are that were promised on the TBA website and promoted on this site by Peter Coburn.

Wayne i would say that because Peter does those scores for that site and he is bowling A squad (BOWLING NOW) i would say that is why no scores are up yet..

Hope that helps

Well maybe Peter should not say live, he should said scores will be posted, not live

Just a thought, then people wouldnt be wondering
Considering Peter does them for free out of his own pocket I think a few hours delay is acceptable, they arent playing for sheep stations!

I am only Guessing and putting two and two together.. Maybe i am wrong.

And yes George is right, it is an unpaid job, if it was a paid job people everywhere would be lining up to do it...

I am sure it will be of the second things he does after bowling, having a Scotch would be the first...;)
Hi Guys,

Thank you for your patience in waiting for these scores. I was bowling, if you can call it that, and as soon as the squad finished I posted the Results and including the writeup Here.

If some one wishes to sponsor these scores so that I don't have to bowl to try and cash then I'm all ears. All donations will also be greatly accepted. Everytime I travel to conduct live scores, it cost me (not TBA) a $1000 in airfares, cvar hire, meals and accommodation and I don't see anyone else queing up to do these. So until it's sponsored then you'll just have to endear delays if I decide bowling.

Now I can go and have a Jack.
Hi Peter/Ingrid,
Glad to see you scored well today Ingrid, will try to get in tomorrow to see the end of the tourney. Agree whole heartedly with your response Peter, you do a great job for gratis, and that is how it should be perceived.
Peter I see Ingrid beat you again, maybe less Scotch, more practise :D It's going to be a long weekend for you

Thanks for your vote of confidence.

BTW, you will be pleased to know that we both bowled with Columbia gear this weekend.
We are a trifle 'instant' these days, aren't we !! Instant food, instant banks, instant phone, instant messages - or is it 'impatient' whilst we sit at home, waiting, waiting, waiting.....remember the days when we 'waited' for the paper results to arrive home so we could pour over them at league, looking at the results and bemoaning the fact that we could have done better, waiting to hear from the 'heroes' who 'went away' and returned with hours of stories regarding the tournaments both in the centre and the gossip away from the centres and in the clubs (we had none of these in the backward state of Qld. then!!) - oh well! another thing for us bowlers to whinge about !!!!!

JUST WHO DO WE THINK WE ARE IN THIS MINORITY SPORT !!! Let us get a life and ENJOY what we have and get off out butts to provide what we would like.....many thanks for scoring on the web at all...........apologies if this upsets anyone but I have had a great weekend with bowlers, fundraising, imbibing and yakking about bowling (what else!) and have a hangover still !!!!

I'm with you Mary............

Peter has always done an incredible job for our sport, putting aside his own enjoyment for that of the masses.

The fact Peter was having some time out and actually having a throw is fantastic, and if that means the rest of the world is "inconvenienced" for a couple of hours, stiff ****.

I'm not asking for much..only that a promise is kept. That's all I wanted.
If you can't deliver the goods then be up front with us so not to disappoint.

Hey MARY...it's ok if you use my name in your posts. I won't be offended. :)
Actually, I'm just trying to come to grips with the official definition of 'Live Scores', should this be after every frame, every game, every block, every squad or every day?

Although I do make reference to 'Live Scores' on the TBA Website I guess that technically this is imposible as they are only 'Live' if you are personally in the tournament centre watching them on the lanes and on the data screen.

Perhaps we need to be more generic and refer to them as Webscores and therefore it does not imply that they are in fact either every frame, every game, every block, every squad or every day?
Definition of LIVE

To have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions: all things that live...:rolleyes:

So i am guessing so long as you can pass a 2 on the beep test and use a computer its still considered as Live Scores to me.... You just pass i recon.....;)

Keep up the good work Peter even if your not feeling the love....:D
People should be thankful that they're even getting scores from tournaments. I'm sure there were times when all you had was word of mouth to find out the results of an event.

Peter does a great job with the scores and providing info for everyone around the country and the world. Like Max said, the fact he's deciding to be a bowler at these events (instead of solely a scorekeeper) is great for him and for the community. The fact that it costs him a great amount to provide this service, and has done so for this long, is something Peter should be commended for!!
Peter, living in Perth we are used to "LIVE" events being delayed telecasts!

Im sure the majority of Australian bowlers appreciate the effort you go to to provide us with any scores at all.........

If you need to call them "Web Scores" or similar to please people then do so....either way until such time as bowling is beamed live into our loungerooms, your efforts are appreciated.
Peter Coburn said:
Actually, I'm just trying to come to grips with the official definition of 'Live Scores', should this be after every frame, every game, every block, every squad or every day?
Although I do make reference to 'Live Scores' on the TBA Website I guess that technically this is imposible as they are only 'Live' if you are personally in the tournament centre watching them on the lanes and on the data screen.
Perhaps we need to be more generic and refer to them as Webscores and therefore it does not imply that they are in fact either every frame, every game, every block, every squad or every day?

I think there is a bit of expectation from when Ian was doing the scores and we saw improvements with the "live" scores on a regular basis.

With AMF not as dedicated to tournaments these days and the whole coverage of tournaments slightly down, delay's are to be expected.

Keep up the good work Peter.

Thank you to everyone for the support, including those that PMed me.

Bowlrig, you are correct, I guess that the bowlers have been spoilt with some very good webscores by both Ian Nicholls and Graham Williams over the years.

However, now that none of the tournament promoters include a line item in their event budget to provide webscores therefore the services provided by Ian and Graham have long gone.

I include Ian's services in the Nationals budget, so you can be assured that you will still receive first class webscores, by Ian, for Rachuig, De Veer, Open Masters, President's Shield, Junior Masters, Classic Cups, Restricted Cup, Youth Teams Challenge and National Youth Cup.

Unfortunately, you have to put up with my voluntary services and a lower level of service for those events without budget.

I will be bowling C Squad of SPC, so WChester, I can promise you that there will be no game by game live scores through this squad. In fact, I might even decide to go home early, put my feet up and have a social life with fellow bowlers rather than spending 15 hours each day in the bowl just so you can complain about the service.
Not complaining about the service Peter..complaining about the promise not being kept. You obviously knew that there wouldn't be any live scoring during A squad, so you should have removed the promotional postings.

As I've harped upon in the past..I do not like being promised something and then not having that promise fulfilled.

BTW..good job on the lanes ..
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