Some people fail to realise the difference between an individual scoring and an entire league or center scoring. Forget comparing individual averages, that is useless, look at league averages or go even further and look right across the center. This is the only thing worth any merit and this is part of the information centers use to gauge their condition. Saying that, too many people jump onto the defensive about lane conditions, quite frankly I think it is sickening. Now don’t get me wrong, I'm not one of the people to complain week in week out (so don’t even think about flaming me), each week I am optimistic and I hope things have improved, but I do feel as a bowler I have a right to comment on a situation that directly effects me. The difference between some people is they just jump on the bandwagon without actually knowing what is going on, if someone says the lanes are crap, it is far easier to agree with the person than to actually search out the finer details for yourself.
What I do wonder is when are centers, in particular managers and back end staff, going to be held accountable for the conditions set within their center? As a bowler we have bugger all rights in regards to this, as this thread demonstrates we are continually told to deal with it or don’t come back. I feel that is very negative, I do feel the comments are probably valid in a lot of cases, but I do feel when a majority complains about the scoring condition you have to wonder if there is something to it. I will never put down higher scoring conditions because I think it is a tool to continue to survival of our sport in the country, but on the other end of the scale, some of the utter crap that is being dished out week in week out is just appalling. Where do we find the point to stop and say, hey, this just isn’t right, something has to be done about it. Bowlers pay good money to bowl each night in league, I think it is about time that they are given a minimum standard of service.
I can see where this is going now, someone is going to say something about tough conditions and not being able to bowl on them, well there is a tough condition intentionally set to reduce scoring, bring the league averages closer together and to promote accuracy, then there is crap. Crap is simply a failure to provide a universal scoring condition regardless of bowler ability, technique or equipment. We have all been there at one stage, when a center reaches a point where the condition continually given to bowlers is sub standard, that is an issue that needs immediate attention.
There have been one or two centers in the past that have, for reasons we can never fathom, been guilty of this. What I want to know is, in what mind set is it possible to come to the conclusion that neglecting your lanes, your center and most importantly your bowlers, is the best for your business? I can’t understand how people can reach the conclusion that this is the best business plan. As I said earlier, someone has to be held accountable, you cannot continue any further advancement within our sport until this happens. In the end it rests with managers and back end staff (to a lesser degree), I feel bowling is at a point where this seriously needs to be looked at by our governing body in an effort to ensure the health of our sport in 5 or 10 years time. A plan needs to be developed with thought of a uniform code of practise throughout the industry, this will take massive amounts of time invested and it cannot be done without the support and input from centers and all relevant associations. Notice how I never mentioned anything about bowlers? Do you want to know why?
How many people actually know their local elected board member in their center or their area? How many people actually attend general meetings? How many people actually have any communication with the president of their league? These people aren’t just pretty faces, they have been elected in an effort to deal with the problems faced in our sport. What needs to happen is bowlers need to shut up, quite simply, redirect this negative energy into making a positive out of it. If you have a problem with your lane conditions, or staff in your center, or another bowler, or, well anything (how about the lights being too bright?) go and have a friendly chat with your local official. That is what they are there for people! That is their job! That is why
you, the bowler elected them. No... hang on... I can hear most people thinking.... hey I never elected them! Well I am sorry to say but you did so in your absence. If you attended general meetings you would have had a say in who was elected. Now hang on a second, before you abuse me yet again because I told you to shut up, I am not for one second saying you cannot publicly voice you opinion on an open forum such as this. What I am saying is, if you have a problem, follow the chain of command and do something positive to fix the situation. If you have a problem with the condition in league, speak to your president, if he feels your comments are warranted, he will take them to the manager. This is how it is supposed to happen people, you voice your problems, your elected official works out if there is a problem that needs addressing (or are you talking out of your behind), then does something about it.
Some sort of communication needs to get happening between bowlers, centers, associations (both regional and at a state level) and the governing body. At the moment, it is about on par with 20 yards of string and two ice cream cups, restricted at best, garbled at worst. Governing bodies (especially at a state level) need to be given the power to implement these sanctions and disqualify (or perhaps ban?) people (centers and bowlers) on a national level for not meeting the requirements set out in the charter. At the moment, nobody has any real power to do anything, the way things are at present, it is just a load of talk, and you might as well not bother with any rules in our sport (what good are rules if nobody has the power to enforce them?).
To me this is one of the most un-organised, organised sports I have had the pleasure of being part of.
So yeah, if you missed all that and want end notes. Here they are.
1. If you have a problem, address the problem with those officials elected. That is what they are for.
2. Quit bitching about every little detail, it is negative, it is useless and it never gets anyone anywhere. All it does is establish arguments.
3. Feel welcome to address your situation in public, but make sure you have followed steps 1 and 2, if you haven’t done something positive about it, we don’t want to hear from you.
4. Get back to bowling and let the officials do their work. The more you have to think about things out of your control, the more enjoyment is taken out of your sport.
5. Get involved in your sport and attend meetings to hear your concerns (if valid) raised.
You can be vocal in your opinions about what you think is 'wrong' with our sport, but it is your duty to take positive steps to address your concerns. In the end it rest's with us, the bowlers, if we want our sport to change for the better we need to get involved.
Ohh and yet again before you walk away with the notion I have no idea what I am talking about, the above is a load of rubbish, I don’t follow any of the above, I am only trying to make trouble (need I go on?). I do know who my officials are, I do listen to points raised by fellow bowlers, staff and officials alike, I do try talk to them on a regular basis and we actually discuss things in a normal manner.
Well as best as one can hope for when dealing with tyrannical people driven mad by the quest for power and domination :lol: