Wd Veer
Personally I believe Walter De Veer was set up to give ALL graded bowlers a chance to represent their state and hopefully want to improve their game which would eventually saw bowlers make it into the scratch tournaments etc.
The fact that some states have managed to flaunt the spirit of the game is sad. :evil: :evil: :evil:
The averages now are I believe aligned with the "B" grade averages for the championships. This should eliminate all those bowlers who have managed to infiltrate walter De Veer teams with high averages. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: In fact I will go so far as to say that several members of the Vic side should not I repeat should not have been allowed to bowl

from the time they qualified to the nationals the averages jumped over 20 pins. I am sorry but averages do not jump 20 pins in 3 months. :roll: :roll: :roll:
The State associations should be held more accountable for all averages entered and maybe bowlers league averages should be increased from what was 18 games to 30 games which would give all association a better idea of what real averages might be. :idea: :idea: :idea:
As for the Sandbaggers :x :x :x they are a blight on our great game.And maybe if we had a national year book (on the TBAL web-site) :idea: :idea: :idea: with all league averages and Tournament averages as well we could then maybe start getting rid of these sand baggers. :wink: :wink:
Perosnally I am glad that the powers to be have kept the hcp in place.

As this will allow a 130 average bowler to have a go. It is the lower average bowlers who we are trying to encourage to compete thereby opening new avenues for the improvement of his/her game. 8) 8) They would be then bowling in their State championships

as well as the national Championships.

This is what bowling is about encouraging new bowlers to participate and help promote our great game. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yes over the years I have witness some sad moments in bowling. But I can honestly tell you all that there are lot more great moments that I remember with pride & pleasure.I was involved with Walter De Veer right from the start with Daryl Holt and have never bowled WDV because being an honest 8) 8) bowler my average was far too high. But I had the pleasure of coaching the Vic side for 7 years straight it was 7 years of pleasure and excitement.And most of the Vic bowlers felt the same way.

It was a chance to make new friends both from your own state as well as Interstate. :roll: :roll: And that is what made/ makes WDV so successfull and enjoyable for so many bowlers who normally would not get the opportunity to represent their state.