Thanks for the help with the approach... I am now comfortable with the 8 step approach, and I am not drifting left or right. Approach is good 
My problem now is hand position.
First, a bit of background info. I only started fingertip and hook bowling mid last year. Took my average from 135 to 160 in three months, bowled my PB of 238 in that time as well. Was consistently bowling 180+ in that 3 month period, and I was really enjoying my bowling. Then I hit a slump, and struggled to hit average at all. I dropped 6 points in the next 3 months leading up to Christmas. After a few weeks off, I went bowling last week for the first time, and once again bowled sub-150 games. Today I bowled my first over average game in months, then followed it up with a 120. My game was all over the place. I was watching bowlers on the lane next to me (all a whole lot better than me) and noticed that their hand position was different to mine, so I tried that... lo and behold I threw down a 190... which may not be too great to some of you, but after my slump I was ecstatic. Everything felt right, approach was smooth, release and follow through just clicked into place and the ball hooked into the pocket nicely. Apart from a few annoying 10 pins left standing off what looked like perfect bowls, things were great.
The question is, is my hand position at the start of my approach all that important? Ever since I have bowled fingertip, my hand position has been with the ball somewhat cradled in my hand with the fingers more at the front of the ball. Today for one game I changed that so the fingers were well underneath.
Could that simple thing make such a difference?
My problem now is hand position.
First, a bit of background info. I only started fingertip and hook bowling mid last year. Took my average from 135 to 160 in three months, bowled my PB of 238 in that time as well. Was consistently bowling 180+ in that 3 month period, and I was really enjoying my bowling. Then I hit a slump, and struggled to hit average at all. I dropped 6 points in the next 3 months leading up to Christmas. After a few weeks off, I went bowling last week for the first time, and once again bowled sub-150 games. Today I bowled my first over average game in months, then followed it up with a 120. My game was all over the place. I was watching bowlers on the lane next to me (all a whole lot better than me) and noticed that their hand position was different to mine, so I tried that... lo and behold I threw down a 190... which may not be too great to some of you, but after my slump I was ecstatic. Everything felt right, approach was smooth, release and follow through just clicked into place and the ball hooked into the pocket nicely. Apart from a few annoying 10 pins left standing off what looked like perfect bowls, things were great.
The question is, is my hand position at the start of my approach all that important? Ever since I have bowled fingertip, my hand position has been with the ball somewhat cradled in my hand with the fingers more at the front of the ball. Today for one game I changed that so the fingers were well underneath.
Could that simple thing make such a difference?