Congratulations to Robyn Flynn and Tony Stoppel on their great wins. Welcome to the "oldies" to the both of you! It was a pleasure to bowl "with" you.
Just woke up after that long flight Brisb to Perth, but worth it, the competition, the atmosphere and friendship was fantastic, congratulations to Robyn, who bowled really well, and had to with Jeanette and Robyn jousting all weekend, good to watch, then there's Tony...well we were in the same centre and thats as close as it got as that finely tuned athletic body systematically destroyed the competition ... well done big fella.
As usual the mark of a good competition is where you don't remember too many breakdowns or problems, those which were there were handled efficiently and promptly..well done Cabooolture Bowl...the breakfasts were nice.....and of course the mortar of the competition Carol whose efforts with her little helper Animal alongside her, were nothing short of marvellous, take a well earned pat on the back, you did an extraordinary job ... thankyou and sorry I choked, but still glad I had the opportunity to go closer than anyone else with none other but a HAMMER ball...... and to the rest of the competition guys our circuit is just getting better and better without those past day politics... great turnout...pleasure catching up with you all...happy birthday Mr long.
Am so glad to see and hear that every one has made it home 'tired' but safe.
I also must admit to being somewhat tired today but definitely happy that another successful tournament has been achieved.
However this tounament would not be the success it is with out YOU the Senior Bowlers, you come from far and wide, spend hard earned $$$, sleep in strange beds, BUT from some of my photos, seem to be enjoying yourselves.

I would like to thank some great people for their assistance and I forgot to thank them yesterday at the presentation :(
Belinda Mifsud (Roomy) -who does a great job with the airport pickups
Casey Midgely - excellant job on the Big Screen Presentation for our sponsors and winners
Vaughan White, Gary Bernardin, Brian Looby (B1), Steve Adams,- also with airport Runs
Mark Cohen - who after 2 full days on control offer to drive 4 bowlers to the airport as well.
Noel Semple- Our Lane Marshall - He just loves to help.. and he did a good Job
Kathy Luxford - Our Raffle Lady - Fantastic Job...
...................THANKS GUYS

To Batesy and Caboolture Bowl Staff - Counter, Canteen and Back - WELL DONE, GREAT TEAM EFFORT

To our 2009 Winners .. Tony Stopple & Robyn Flynn CONGRATULATIONS ..a great start to your bowling year

Paul Terry ... sooooooo close.... 298 in a tournament is still notable
MR LONG ... I still didn't "announce" your Birthday...... I believe a couple of others had birthdays close to the weekend too .. Annie & Joe are two I know so 'Happy Belated Birthday'

I have left this to the last ... Our Sponsors
I pester these people year in ,year out and they still want to be part of The HAMMER Qld Senior Classic.

Mike Quitter (HAMMER USA), from the day I mention our goal to have a Qld Senior Tournament, has been behind us all the way.
BARSBY SPARE PARTS - Grant & Jan Barsby
CABOOLTURE BOWL - Brian & Ronnie Bates
TOTAL BOWLING - Jason Pearson
LOOKS GOOD PAINTING - Jagga & Broni Morgan
LOGOMOTIFS - Peter Martin

They too believe in the Seniors as Bowlers. so continue to support them as they support you

Thank You All
Good Bowling and high scores in 2009

and to Animal (my rock) he allows me to use his sign-in cause it easier - thank you honey ;)
(yes...tis me!~) Glad I didn't do a speech!!
I would like to thank once again for Brian and his centre a job well done for the tournament on the week end. To Carol, Animal and all who helped making this tournament one of the most enjoying tournaments I have bowled in for a while.

A big thank you to all the sponsor for there support for this event.

To all the competitors for their participation in this event making it a successful event.

A special thank you to Ann Kirby and Allen for their hospitality on Friday night at the Italian restaurant.

It was not only officially my first seniors major event, but my first event away for 13 years (1996) when I travelled to the ATBA Warrnambool Cup in which I won, so really it's back to back wins for me away from S.A.

I nearly didn't go because last week was a emotional week for me with my Dad passing away, which we had the service today to say farewell. I'm glad I went to take my mind off things, I think Dad would have wanted it.

To the S.A. support crew, always fun to be around, and to the 4 women I slept with over the weekend, well I didn't actually sleep with them all, but we roomed together , my lovely wife and bestest supporter Stacey, Marg Dollman, Lyn Kiddey and my coach Helen Pelligrini.

Hope to see you all there next year, but I am looking forward to the next tournament at Sydney.

P.S. Paul, thanks for those kind words. Nice choke for your 298. I only had the first 9 in a row, at that stage all ready had the marker pencil out writing Hammer on the side of my ball in case I went all the way, in which I didn't.

I also would like to congratulate Robyn Flynn on her win in the ladies section.


To Carol,
You might not have announced my birthday but l sure bet you put Batesy up to it... and to Paul thankyou for your wishes....also Congratulations to Tony and Robyn on there fantastic wins and a very special mention to Anne Kirby and Alan McKay for letting five of us use there house and for them to cart us around everywhere... a big thankyou to you both....cheers Tony L... oh and Carol a caption to your pic.. Animal saying to Batesy could be - "Do these pants make my arse look big" lol
Here are some photos from the HAMMER Qld Senior Classic 2009
(yes...tis me!~)


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Nice work all by the sound of it. Congrats to Strop. Seniors seem to have a better time it seems.

A quick nod to my old mate Terry Wenban for getting to third on the strength of a ½ hour's practice and a tournament (which he won) the week before.

Not a bad effort when that's the only bowling he's done in about 10 months!
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