Gympie Grand Slam this Weekend

caboolture bowl

Well-Known Member
Please try and support this long running event and keep the Wide Bay Circuit alive, we tried something different this year with the $200.00 entry fee and the $1000.00 to win as that was the field back we were getting last year. We are open to suggestions for 2013 to try and keep this series and Tournament Bowling going and growing into the future. Please leave your suggestions here or email to
Peter - or Brian - .


I've been a little vocal about this lately Batesy, but I think its been a well run, great fun tour. I think we need to market the tour for upcoming seasons as a place for people to first venture into touring and tournament play, and play against a host of top pros like George, Brendan and Jon in their own backyard. Also if we extend to 7 events and have the points for end of season based on best 5 we may bet more support from those who only play caboolture and suncity? All in all though, well done
This has been my first year of bowling the wide bay circuit and I have to say what a joy and learning experience for me so far. With 2 events still to go, I look forward to lacing up the shoes and having at it.
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