Great time at nationals/rachuig


DJ Luko

hey all

just posting to let ya'll know i had a great time over in canberra.

the atmosphere at the hotel was awesome as we had i think all of the state teams there with a feel like the olympic village

also the bowling was very good. it had almost everything sportsmanship, competetiveness, "sledging" lol the allies, the favorites the moments. it was also funny to note that the top three sides last year finished last three in order this year so it just goes to show that anyone on their given year can win or place high up there

thanx to all the guys and gals

ronald "jungle fever" vouka...voukal.. umm you know who i mean

scotti "too hotti" andrews say hello to aurora for me

matti "no id no entry" riley

scott " talk to the hand, you dont know me" summers

ashley " bring it on" riley

kc "punshing bags" fechner

paul "5 - 7 - 10" longayroux

katie, amanda, sue "wont forget that dinner

mark "wedding singer aka missing in action" foster

michelle amd jo "nice undies lol"

thanx to the tassie side for all the laughs and to all the others thanx guys and gals

oh yeah... thanx for throwing me in the pool... great stuff.. i think lol

well thats about it...... AAAAAAAHHH YETA!

c yas

adam DJ Luko
Adam.... you got in a lucky shot, admit it

Seriously though, this year was a great trip I agree. Hopefully see everyone again soon!!
Hey Adam, the undies are a real treat hey! A gift to me from my wonderful team!! God love them all.

I also have your pack of cards that Shelley 'borrowed'!! Shall give em back to ya one day!

KC - don't ever wanna play ya again!

Had a great time, great to catch up with everyone, hope to be back next year, suprising to some that your life doesn't have to end just because you get married!


Hey Adam,

Was the pool cold??? hehe
You surely gave us a few laughs during the week...

Oh, and sorry bout ur cards! I forgot to give them back to you, but im sure that we'll see each other again some day..

And as for those undies of Jo's
I thought they looked great, and were a great present for her!!
....I think all we need to do now is put up on this site the pic of Jo in those undies so everyone can see how good they looked! Is that OK graham???!!


yeah michelle i'll get em back

so how'd u and matty end up on saturday night? *wink* *wink*

i hope to c yas all next year

and if anyone wants to chat in the meantime then my icq number is 21572550

just drop me a line

i think i was the only one in the pool all week lol

hehe catch yas

Hey adam,
yeah i'll give em back one day......

as for me and matty what u talking bout???! I have just come back to SA with a few bruises thanks to the fights we had!

Anyways....speak to u later

That old chestnut!!! even though i didnt bowl i still had a ball this year. hopefully next year i will be there bowling or not. We will definantly head on down the cross next year and we will get u $2 love u long time keep it physical and i'll probally see u at Hayden's engagement(word is $1000 over the bar) but i'll be on the soft drink untill xmas (no chit)

Talk to the Hand...........

Mark Foster
yo dj marky mark!

$1000 over the bar? well i am definately there! i'll bring my c**ktail list up! lol

yes next year will be a ripper! and i think it will be hard to make it again .... well as the horses do im having a spell hoping to come back fresh for next years roll offs

c u hopefully in a couple of weeks

oh i forgot.... u dj ing for the engagement? lol i heard you were hard up for gigs hehe

catch ya


Hi Eveyone,
Got to echo the thoughts of all of you guys, it was a good time and cant wait to compete again next year.
Made new friends, enjoyed talking to old friens as well.
DJ, how you doin, looks like you made it home ok.
Marky, you to, how was the wedding you old chestnut.
Kace, it was no lucky punch, how could he miss?
Shell (i dont have a lisp) some of my boys needed treatment the way you beat them up.
Jo, good to see you but are you sure the husband will let you out next year?
Scotti, a good effort for a rookie, you will be a champ if you keep listenin to Thommo.
To all the others who visited room 51 during the week, thanks for helping us have a great trip.

Well Brett, sounds like room 51 was the happening place to be, and I for one was happy to have enjoyed the early morning festivities after the presentation dinner with all that were there.

I do have to say though it is very disconcerting fronting up to a party when there is a video camera rolling....

Bring on the cowboys for next year
Yes it was one of my best trip i have been to , the people the bowling an all what come with rachuig was great . Hopefully i will be there next year but it will be for a differnt state cause of my big move to QLD but even if i dont make it i will be at nats .

To brett:


also...i didnt beat ur boys up!! you should see the bruises on my arms

anyways good to see u again, see u at youth

forgot one thing.. a huge thanx to brett for all his organisational skills and the way he ran the trip.... with out you mate it would have been hard to keep it all together... i am truly thankfull

cheers dude

p.s it should have been u scott who was thrown in the pool hehe

and to all others hopefully c yas all next year
hey all

well first i would just like 2 thank brett, kc, beck, ash & trent 4 putting up with with me the most cause i was roomed with them. u guys r awsome u made my first trip very memorable i had an awsome time.

thanx also to the rest of the tassie team 2 u all r a bunch of idiots but i felt at home.

lucock hows ur leg?

shell thanx also ur a great friend.

but kc & beck hav a huge thanx if it wasnt 4 u 2 i would hav been a mess thanx 4 helping me through when i needed 2 talk 2 some 1.

& every1 else that i hav missed u know who u r.

& im looking forward 2 doing it all again next year.

also a big thanx 2 the coach (dad) he had 2 put up with some crap while we where away & handled it very well. u did an awsome job 4 an old guy!!!!

later jack

the reason for thebig move is cause of bowling sydney was to expencive so the next closest place was QLD and it is also for a change something different .
hi every1,

just want to echo the thoughts of every1 else so far, it was also the best trip i have ever had, i think it's a great idea for all the teams to stay at the one place and we should attempt to do the same every year!

firstly, well done to the allies, they were far to good for us 'conventional' states and bowled well all days .... special mention to ronald 'jungle fever boy', good to catch up with you again, hope to see you at Australian Cup.

special mention also to scotti2hotti, had a good time drinking and chatting with you, well bowled and goodluck with the move ...

to paul '5-7-10' longayroux hopefully i can beat you in rachuig again next year ... what was it 5 and 6 pins, i'll try to make it a bit closer next year .. lol

finally, to all the tassie team, especially the guys (no offence kc, beck, jackstar) you are a great bunch, we always have a great time and i look forward to hopefully going away again next year and trying to put in another good performance ... hopefully go 1 better than in 2000!

that's enuff of my blabber .... to any1 that is going to australian cup ... see you there!!
cmon scotti.. the only reason yer movin to queensland is for the clubs and the chicks lol

hey you should move down to hobart! the lanes are great and amf really stick by you and help you out...... SLAP!!! snap out of it, as if! lol

catch yas!
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